the ball

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Okay before I start the chapter I just want to point out that it is new years night and I'm watching the New Year Time Square Ball Drop Live. they are dancing but I don't know why. can someone please help explain it to me because I don't understand.

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(Y/N)'s POV

Once we got to the ball the first thing I notice is that it's huge. we all got out of the carriage but I was the last one. all of the guys were up in the front while I was left behind. I went straight to the bar once I stepped foot into that building. 

"One Samual Adams please."

I put $5 on the bar. the bartender takes the money and comes back with a beer. I took the drink and spun in my chair so that now I was facing the ball. I see Alexander talking to this girl in a pink dress. for some reason, I got this stabbing pain in my chest like I was being stabbed over and over again but I didn't know why I felt like this. I was lost in my thoughts trying to find a reasonable explanation for why I felt like this until a voice took me off guard and I came to the real world once more.

"Sad isn't it?"

"I'm sorry Laurens but I don't know what you mean."

"I can see it in the way you look at him."

"See what?"

"You're asking that?"

"Well yes."

"Well the answer is simple, you're in love. Congratulations."

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, really? Then explain why you look so sad when looking at Alex dancing with a girl."

there was a silence

"What is it called when it gets harder to breathe around someone or when your heart skips a beat when the smile at you?"

"Well, that's love. are you finally going to confess to him that you love him."

"No! And I'm not talking about him anyway."

"Whatever you say."

"What should I say to them?"

"What do you mean?"

"How and when do I tell them I love them."

"Well, as soon as possible for they move on. The sooner the better."

"Okay. Thanks for the advise Laurens."

I hopped off the stool 

"Wait! You're going to do it now."

"The sooner the better, right?"

"Fine do what you want."

he got another beer. I went on my way to the dance floor I actually had good timing too cause the song just ended. Alexander was making his way to the side while the girl left. this time it wasn't that girl in the pink that he was talking to earlier but instead a girl in a blue dress. he stood on the side and I just strolled over to him. 

"Miller, I haven't seen you all night. where have you been?"

"At the bar but Laurens told me something that made me come over here."

"What was that?"

"I need to tell you something and I might sound crazy but,"


"Alex I L-"

I was cut off by the girl in the blue dress come over with 2 cups.

"Oh, Alex introduce me to your friend."

"Jhon this is Eliza. Eliza this is Jhon Miller."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miller."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine."

I bent down and kissed her knuckles I don't know if I was doing it right, but I've seen Alexander do this multiple time so I hope I didn't mess up that bad.

"So what were you two talking about."

"Well, Jhon was about to tell me something but didn't get to tell me. what was it Jhon?"

"Oh, well it's not that important. it's actually pretty stupid."

"Nonsense! if you came here to tell me something it couldn't be."

"Well, I was about to say that I like this ball we should um go to more."

"We shouldn't we."

"Yeah well, I'm going to get back to Laurens. I mean someone has to control him."

"HA! Yeah, see you around Miller."


I started walking to the bar just to be greeted by a drunk Laurens. 

"Did you tell him."

his words kind of slurred.

"No. I couldn't. Eliza just looked so helpless."

"I'm taking it as you, not a male."

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"The way you talk, walk, get embarrassed, move, hold a gu-"

"Okay okay, I get it."

"So, are you?"

I sighed


"Okay, so it's not that weird."

"I guess not but it still kind of is."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters this morning you asked me to take off my clothes."

"Oh, I did? Well sorry about that I didn't know."


"So what's your name?"


"Hey, I have an idea."


Laurens ran to the ballroom and I followed he jumped on a  and put his hand in front of me signaling for me to stay where I was. 

"Can I get an Alexander Hamilton. I repeat a Lexi!"

Laurens shouted. once Alex came to the front of the table he saw me and mouthed the words,

"What is he doing?"

I just shrugged and stared at my drunk friend on the table as he continued to get everyone attention.

"If you see a love-struck (Y/N) send her the front too."

"Wait (Y/N)s here? Why didn't I see her?"

"She might not even be here. he's drunk remember."

he jumped down and put his hands on Alexander's and 

846 words

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