this is it

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walked out of the tent and rushed to the guns where I picked one up. and started to shoot the British soldiers left and right. 

Alex's POV

I rushed to pick up a gun when I overheard General Washington and Lee fighting.


I rushed there as fast as I could.

"Ready, sir."

"Have Lafayette take the lead!"

"Yes, sir!"

I was made but I told Lafayette and he took the lead as fast as he could. I looked around and see (Y/N) shooting without her uniform but in clothes that looked all too familiar. I shrugged off the thought. I was mad at both of them now. when we were done fighting we tend to our wounded and counted our dead just for another fight tomorrow. 

"Where is Miller!"

General Washington yelled as he got out of his tent, we all started looking for (Y/N) or known to the other men as Miller.  something caught my eye I think it was an injured man. I made my way to him just to noticed it was (Y/N). she was shot in the arm, ribs, and hip. I ran the rest of the way there and knelt down to help her.

"I found Miller!"

"Alex I-"

"Shh. It's okay. Youll make it I promise."

"Alex, why is it so cold?"

it was in the middle of the summer. 

"Stop talking. Save your strength."

Washington made his way over to us, at this point (Y/N)'s head was on my lap.

"Someone get a med-"


(Y/N) said so lightly you could barely hear her.

"I won't make it. it won't be smart to waste your short supply of resources on me."

"No (Y/N) don't say that."

I had tears forming in my eyes 

"Don't cry. I don't like it when you cry."

the last memory I had of her after that was when we kissed she was dying and I kissed her. after that, she went limp. I sat there a cried I felt a hand placed on my shoulder I turned around to see (Y/N) there with a smile on her face.

"Your mother is really nice,"

she added a little smile at the end.

"She is isn't she."

"Rise up Alexander."

she kissed me and disappeared I couldn't do anything but be startled and cry as I just lost my first and best friend in the whole world


I'm so sorry if I made you cry because you didn't marry Hamilton but you can't rewrite history. I actually had a longer version of this story but thought that it would be too cruel to give you so I didn't. hope you enjoyed. also, I would like to point out that I finished before the end of the year. this is also not going to be the last Hamilton fanfic because I have 2 more ideas for Hamilton x Reader and 1 idea for Philip x Reader. but just know that the Philip one will come after new fanfic I'm writing that is not Hamilton related but is BMC related. if you want the extended ending just let me know and if I get enough people that want it then I will write it.

510 words

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