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(Y/N)'s POV

its been a couple of about a month since the first battle at Lexington but to be honest, I don't really know how long it been I kind of made a guess because I lost track of time. but the past of weeks though I've been feeling different around Alexander. instead of feeling the same around him like other people, my heart rate increases and it feels almost harder to breathe. ( bear with me okay I've never been in love or anything of that sort, plus I don't know how to write romance ok jeez)
a couple of days ago the general told us that there was going to be a ball and that we could either go or spend time with family before we get sent to the battlegrounds. 

I was walking over to Hamilton's tent because we all decided to meet there then go to the carriage that will take us to new york.  once I got there I was the first of the group to finish. and they say girls take too long. I in walked into the tent and saw something I will regret forever. when I walked into the tent I saw MOTHER FRICKEN HAMILTON SHIRTLESS!  of course, I freaked out I mean who wouldn't. as soon as he turned his head in my direction I closed the tent and mentally face palmed outside the tent. the tent flap opened to reveal him with again no shirt. I swear after years and years of living with him I've never seen him like that.

"Why are you freaking out we're all guys here."

"Oh yeah, I guess I'm just not used to it."

I turned my head and tried to hide my face as I blushed madly.

"Well come in I'm almost done anyway."

 I walked in and sat on his tent mate's cot. I looked at my hands while he was changing. after a while, the others came into the tent in a loud manner which scared the living daylights out of me. I looked up to see that none of them were the slightest bit ready.

(Miller)"So. why aren't you guys ready?"

I crossed my arms and glared at them for a response

(Mulligan)"Well, Lafayette here had a great idea that we should all get ready here."

(Miller)"Well sorry to disappoint you, sir, Lafayette, but I'm already changed and ready to go."

they ignored me and proceeded to change in front of me. I was blushing like a madman while they did that I cupped my cheeks with my hands and my elbows on my knees. 

(Laurens) "Aye Miller, how big are mussels cause I can't really see 'em from here."

(Miller)"Wow, really funny."

(Lafayette)"Well, why don't we see 'em."

(Miller)"What, no!"

(Mulligan) "Oh, come on we're all men here."

(Laurens) "Are you just embarrassed that you don't have any."

(Miller) "I do!"

(Lafayette) "Then show us."

(Miller) "No! and that's my final answer."

(Mulligan) "Fine. there's no point in making you."

once they were done changing and comparing each other's muscles we were on our way. I and Alexander were behind as the rest of the group. the guys were talking about something that didn't concern me, Alexander and I were having our own conversation. Well, he was having a conversation with anyone who was willing to listen to his nonsense. he was really just ranting about Lee and how general Washinton should choose him to be second in command, and how idiotic and how much of a coward Lee was. all I could do was laugh at what he had said.  little did I know I was blushing at the end of it.

(Mulligan) "Just ask him out already Miller."

I froze at what he said and thought about what I was feeling. was it love? No, nonsense it couldn't be. maybe I'm just glad that no matter who I am we can still get along. 

(Lafayette) "Oh. My. God. Mon Ami, you're actually thinking about it."

Apparently, I was still and zoned out for a believable amount of time to where it looked like I was thinking about it. of course, I can't just let it slide, I had to protect myself somehow, right.

(Miller) "No! I was thinking about something else."

Laurens started to walk my way. I panicked so much because that guy has a mouth that can speak stronger than he'll ever be.

(Laurens) "Back off my man B!tch."

he ever so lightly whispered in my ear so no one else could hear. I felt the color drain from my face and slowly nodded. I walked the rest of the way to the carriage without them. I didn't even make a peep the way to the carriage and the way to new york. 

772 words

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