chapter 13

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"Mallory, let's go." I demanded.

I did not want Matt to see me. At all.

"Hey Ad, isn't that your ex-boyfriend, Matt? Right over there?" Mallory said loudly so Matt could hear her.

"I'm going to kill you!" I hissed, dissecretly hiding my face.

She let out a laugh. "He's walking over right now!"

Mallory, I love you, but sometimes I want to wrap my hands around your neck.

"Woah, Adria Hayes? Is it really you?" I heard a deeper voice say.

Oh, shit.

I reluctantly turned to face him. Matt.

Ugh. I did not want to be here right now.

"Um, I guess it is?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "So, how have you been?"

Why you need to know all up in my pussy boy?

"Excuse me?" He said, confused.

Oops, I think I just said that out loud.

"Nothing... just my stomach growling."

"Well, alright..." He looked unconvinced.

We were next in line and as the people in front of us walked away, the guy who would take our orders had a striking resemblance to Cameron Dallas.

I swear if this really, in some type of weird way, turned out to be Cameron, I decided that I would punch myself in the throat.

I pushed Mallory in front of me so she could order instead.

To be honest I wish I hadn't done that so now I was stuck with Matt, who was still besides me.

I felt like screaming now. This wasn't fair.

After we broke up, two years later he thinks it's okay to just start talking to me again like nothing ever happened.

I felt like texting Bren for support because he knows what happened with Matt and I. I remember the time I told him and his exact words were, "What a dick."

We went out to get some chicken nuggets at McDonalds then broadcasted on YouNow about pizza or something. I don't know it was some type of food.

Then people jokingly yelled at me when I almost dropped Bren's laptop while he was

grinding because I was laughing so hard.

More like best YouNow ever, am I right ladies?

But yeah, I gained over 5000 followers(all teenage girls wow big surprise)

But in the overall, I didn't get to text Bren because if I did, Matt would be all up in my business because he was standing right there

Like seriously, I hate people like that. I felt like calling him out for it because it's so annoying whenever I can't even text someone because of that one person just watching you.( like my math teacher in 6th grade when I had gum.)

Thank god, Mallory was finally finished ordering our drinks. When I say ordering, I actually mean flirting with the Cameron Dallas look-alike guy.

"Finally!" I exclaimed. "I'm exhausted."

We turned with our drinks, about to leave, when my drink was lifted out of my hands.

"Hey!" I snapped, ready to slap whoever did this.

I looked and of course it was Matt, holding my frappe in his large hands.

He had a smug smile on his face, which was probably common for someone like him.

I waved him off and strutted out of the door, he was not worth my time anymore.

2 years wasted, sucked down the drain, even if we did have some good times. Like, *insert all good times with Matt here*.

Mallory followed me, confusion written over her face.

"Adria! You were supposed to talk to him! Not let him steal your drink and run away!"

"But I didn't run away, I strutted away. There's a difference." I argued.

She groaned. "Let's just go back to the hotel."


I literally have no inspiration for this story anymore ugh help and it's so hard to update like I used to last year bc school and I want to get good grades in high school( yes I'm a freshman but I'm still cool)

I want to be too school for cool. *slides sunglasses on*

And ever since I redid my room, it's been really messy and I'm tired all the time now kms and I have my horse to work with I also have like no friends ok and thanks to the people I know in rl that know my profile bc now I can't rant or openly talk about the people I like or else they'll see I hate my life ok bye

Edit: people pls kik me I need advice asap

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