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The feeling of waking up to someone you love never gets old. It's deeply missed when you've been so long without it and for Maura, this was exactly it. She hadn't woken up next to anyone in such a long time that she had forgotten how it felt. She had missed the feeling of another person laying beside her, the warmth that radiated from the other as she turns onto her side. It only hits her then as she looks back at Jane, the raven haired detective in all her peaceful madness, just asleep, beside the honey blonde. She found herself staring, unable to take her eyes off of Jane. She was almost caught in a trance, a smile delicately painting her face, eyes twinkling in the sunlight which had started to break through the blinds. Yes, this was pure bliss and waking up next to someone again was a feeling she had long ago forgotten, but to wake up next to Jane was slightly different. 

Jane Rizzoli was just a friend. She was her best friend. She was the one and only person who understood her and got her like no other person had been able to in her life. She never judged her for all her quirky characteristics like how she would spurt out random facts all the time that no one should really know. She never neglected Maura in her times of need like when she was kidnapped and suffered for a while with bad dreams. Jane was always there for her. She always had been. Maura never realised just how much she appreciated Jane for everything she did, until she was laid face to face with the sleeping lioness of a woman. She might look fierce and tough, but under the rough exterior, Maura knew the real Jane and she could only pray that she got to see even more of that side in Paris. 

With a groan and a stretch of her limbs, the raven haired female broke out into a small yawn. Her eyes opened ever so slightly, enough to catch Maura staring at her. Raising her brow at the honey blonde, one eye open and one shut, Jane's voice broke the silence, a rough and raspy tone as she spoke.
"Were you staring at me whilst I slept?"
"No-- I... I. No!" Maura's stumbled for words but the sounds of Jane's laughter cleared her guilty conscience. 
"Yeah, right and I'm secretly the president of the United States." Jane's sarcastic comment was made as she did yet another yawn and stretch of her arms. Maura lightly tapped Jane's arm, a slightly offended look worn upon normally soft features. 

As much as Maura adored this moment, she knew they had a lot to do today before boarding their flight to the most romantic city in the world. Paris.
"Right," Maura says as she's swinging her legs out of bed. "Let's get this going, shall we? We have some shopping to do before we get on our flight!" A smile so wide paints her face and she can barely contain her excitement. 
"I don't wanna shop!" A long and almost painful groan escapes from Jane's mouth as she rolls over and attempts to cover her face with the covers. With a playful gasp, Maura pulls the covers off of Jane and grabs the pillow, hitting the brunette a few times on the leg. 
"Come on. Up!"
"Oh, you wanna start a fight? You call that a fight? We'll see about that!" The detective jumps to life like a animal chasing prey and she grabs the other pillow, whacking Maura to the right side, causing her to fall on the bed. 

Giggles and laughter fill the room as the two act like college girls. Maura had never done anything like this. She was always such a serious person and tended not to have as much fun as others did. In college, she never attended parties or got super drunk. She was far too focused on her studies and on what her life would turn into once college was done. She had her goals and nothing was distracting her from that. Being in this moment with Jane brought new ideas and new thoughts to her head, ones which surprised her. For once, she wasn't thinking about how they're damaging the bed springs and wasting life from good pillows, they were simply having fun, hitting each other with the same pillows they had just slept on. It was only around Jane that Maura was ever able to let go as much as she had right in this moment and she never wanted it to end, but they had a city waiting for them and they had a lot to do before they got there.

Reluctantly, Maura placed the pillow down and then climbed off the bed.
"Okay, you win. Now, get up, get dressed and meet me down by the car. We'll take my car and I'M driving!" Another groan from Jane as Maura finishes her sentence and the honey blonde shakes her head.
"You drive like my Grandma..." Jane mumbles words under her breath and although Maura hears, she simply laughs to herself, loving the way Jane always has an attitude towards everything. Slowly, but surely, the detective made her way out of bed, dressed in nothing but black shorts and her usual Boston Police Department t-shirt. That shirt was years old and Jane wore it almost daily, but she wouldn't be herself without it. Maura wouldn't admit it out loud, but she did secretly love Jane in that top...

With both females out of bed, they could start getting ready. Jane plodded barefoot downstairs of Maura's house and went straight for the coffee. Maura, on the other hand, made the bed again to erase the evidence of a pillow fight and sighed contently. Opening her wardrobe, she pulled out a pair of black, skinny jeans and paired it with a channel knit sweater in a dark green colour. She slipped her feet into black heels, with a beautiful side panelling of details on each side. She then brushed her hair, adding in a few loose curls on the ends. Applying very subtle make up, she was ready and waiting on Jane. She went downstairs, to find Jane on the couch with her coffee in hand and phone in the other. Folding her arms across her chest, Maura cleared her throat and Jane turned to face her, a guilty look upon her face.
"Okay, okay! I'm going!" Mumbling something under her breath as she gets up, Jane playfully nudges into Maura and then plods off upstairs to change.

Jane was so different to Maura when it came to fashion and her sense of style. If she was working, she would pick a pants suit and pair it with a random t-shirt from her wardrobe. The t-shirt was the only splash of colour in her outfit, but she didn't care about clothes or how they were made like Maura did. Jane just threw something on and today would be no different. Jane grabbed the first thing from her overnight bag and changed into a pair of black jeans, a little worse for wear. She paired it with a tank top and over the top of that, a white blouse which she had undone the top three buttons of. She ran a brush through her hair, applied only mascara and light make up to cover blemishes and she was ready to go. She slipped her feet into chunky boots and stomped downstairs, washing her coffee cup up when she made it downstairs.
"Alright, let's get this hell over with." Jane grumbled and grabbed her phone, keys and wallet, stuffing them all into various pockets of her jeans. Maura grabbed her purse, wallet, keys, phone and made her way to the car outside, locking the house after the two females had left.

Climbing into the driver's side, Maura did the usual checks. Mirrors, side and rear. Seat belt. She made sure the seat was where she needed it and that her footwear wasn't going to effect her driving and then looked at Jane, a cheesy smile upon her face.
"Okay, ready to go." Maura announced and pulled out of her drive after Jane was buckled in. She rolled the windows down slightly and began their journey to the mall, hoping she could change Jane's mind about fashion and style enough so she didn't embarrass her.

Paris wasn't just known for being the city of love. It was known to be the city of fashion too, so that was something Maura was overly excited to do but she couldn't have Jane showing her up. She was going to give Jane a whole new wardrobe and she would just have to put up with Jane's groaning and the complaints about the clothes being 'too girly' or 'so not her style'. Maura was just excited to spend some time with her best friend outside of the work place.

Yes, this was going to be divine. 

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