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In the bathroom of their Paris hotel room, there was a small selection of bath salts, a choice of bubble bath scents and a few bars of scented soap and shower gels. Maura looked at her options before selecting a rose scented bath cream. She started running the hot water, then added the rose cream into the bath. The aromas of fresh roses filled the room as the tub started to fill with bubbles. 

One thing Maura liked to do after a long day was relax in the bath for a little while. She found it to be rather therapeutic and it helped her to unwind. Back at home, she had so many different bath salts, creams and petals to use. She had candles everywhere and her bathroom always smelt like a spa. That part of her day was something she looked forward to. 

Usually, Maura would bring a book in with her, but not this time. She wasn't planning on sitting in the bath for too long, so as it filled to a reasonable height, she turned the faucets off and closed the bathroom door. She didn't lock it; in fact, she had left it open ever so slightly. She didn't like to lock the doors in case something happened and no one could get to her. She had always been this way, ever since she was a kid. 

With the door mostly closed, Maura undressed and folded her clothes. She placed them on the sink and then climbed into her bath. The second she sat down, she could feel the tension leaving her body. She laid back, closing her eyes as her head rested against the small head rest the hotel had fitted to the tub. She allowed her mind to shut off from thoughts about her book and allowed it to think about things she perhaps should be shutting off, too.

Why did her mind always go back to Jane? Even now, as she was trying to forget about everything and enjoy the moment, she was still thinking about Jane. The raven haired detective had been by her side for so many years now. They made a great duo and everyone who knew them said it was strange that it worked. They were polar opposites and Maura knew that Jane could be a challenge sometimes. But she stayed, because she liked her.

For so long, she had denied her feelings. She had told herself that Jane was just her friend and that whatever she was feeling, was just friendship. The first time she had felt a shift in their friendship was when Maura was abducted and Jane was camped out on her couch. She had refused to leave and given Maura the scare of her life when she woke in the middle of the night to see Jane there. It was sweet and maybe that's when the feelings started to become a reality.

Maura had pushed those feelings back and gone about her life like nothing had changed between them, but something definitely had. Maura could feel it, but could Jane? Did either of them /want/ to feel it? Maura couldn't tell and the uncertainty made her a little uncomfortable. If the truth was told, she knew she liked Jane. She had done for years and it was something much deeper than friendship. She /loved/ Jane and after the way their day had gone, Jane was showing she felt the same, too. 

Three soft knocks to the bathroom door startled Maura to open her eyes.
"Jane?" There was a short pause after Maura's questioning tone before the door was pushed open and there stood Jane, leaning against the door frame in a t-shirt and shorts.
"Who else would it be, you idiot?" Jane chuckled, folding her arms across her chest.
"I don't know..." Maura's cheeks blushed pink.
"I just wanted to brush my teeth. You don't mind, do you?" 
"N-no... Of course not." Maura made a gesture towards the sink, relaxing back against the head rest again. She closed her eyes, trying not to think about the fact that Jane was stood right there, whilst Maura was covered by nothing but bubbles.

She tried to think of anything but her current situation, but every time she tried, she thought about Jane again. She opened her eyes and for a second, she swore that Jane was looking at her through the mirror whilst she brushed her teeth. Was she or was Maura just imagining it? 
"You okay, Maur'?" Now she really /was/ looking at her. 
"Uh, yeah. Sorry, I was in my own world." Maura shook her head and forced herself to look away from Jane.
"What's your world like? I bet it's full of dead bodies, famous scientists and people who sleep naked. Oh! And people who do yoga. Maybe naked, too." Jane was now leaning against the sink, a smirk on her features.
"Hey, I sleep with pyjamas on now."
"Yeah, only when I'm around. When you're alone though..."
"Alright, alright! There is some science to sleeping naked though."
"Sure. Whatever you say, Maura."
"Jane, there is!" Maura was flushed pink again and she wore a smile so big that it was hurting her face. She let a small laugh escape before waving a dismissive hand at Jane.

"Are you done picking on me? I need to get out." 
"Hmm, maybe." Jane shrugged her shoulders, taking a slow walk out of the bathroom and chuckling to herself as she left. Maura was quick to wash and shave before getting out and dried off in the bathroom. It was only when she was dry that it occurred to her that her pyjamas were in the wardrobe.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Can you grab my pyjamas? The white, silk ones?"
"I could do."
"Alright, keep your pants o -- Oh wait. You're not wearing any." The detective grabbed the pyjamas and once again, pushed the door to the bathroom open.

"Thank you." Maura reached for them, only to see Jane pull them back. "Jane, give them to me!" Maura used one hand to hold up her towel and used the other to reach again. Jane's reflexes were much too quick for her and she swiped them back again.
"This is for making me miss the pool!" 
"What? How is it my fault you missed the pool? We were on the plane!"
"Yeah, you booked the flight!"
"You weren't meant to be here!" Maura laughed, attempting another few times to grab them from Jane, but the detective created a whole new game. She ran back into the bedroom, holding them above her head. 

Maura could have just grabbed another pair from the wardrobe, but instead, she ran after Jane. The pair were giggling like school girls until Maura tripped over Jane's boots that she had discarded on the floor. Maura fell to the floor with all the grace and elegance of an elephant and laid on her back, holding her towel down with both hands. She couldn't help but to burst out in laughter, and so did Jane. 

Once the pair were done laughing, Maura sighed heavily and looked up at Jane who was stood above her. 
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think so." 
"Come here." Jane held out her hand and pulled Maura to her feet. "Go get changed. I'll put these away." Handing Maura her pyjamas, Jane gave her hand a soft squeeze before finally letting go and allowing Maura to walk into the bathroom and change. Jane gathered the trip hazards and put them away neatly before Maura joined her back in the bedroom again.

Maura collected her worn clothes and placed them neatly in the corner of the room, switching the light off just after. Jane switched the TV off and yawned, stretching her arms and back. She then climbed into the bed, pulling back the duvet for Maura to join her. In silence, Maura walked over and scrambled into the bed. She turned her back to Jane and without hesitation, the raven haired female wrapped her arms around Maura's body, pulling her as close as she could to herself. 
"Goodnight." Her husky voice whispered in her ear as she closed her eyes and got herself comfortable. Maura could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she placed her hand on top of Jane's. She shut her eyes and allowed the pull of sleep to take her into a world where this wasn't complicated. 

Tomorrow's a new day. Perhaps she would finally tell Jane how she feels... 

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