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Somewhere in the midst of her writing, Maura had felt the heavy pull of exhaustion taking over her body. This generally happened when she didn't want to write anymore. When something she was writing was too hard for her to write, she would fall asleep. That's why she was going to Paris. She couldn't focus at home and she thought that perhaps a trip away could help with this exhaustion that she felt whenever she tried to write a few chapters. As it turns out, her distraction was coming /with/ her to Paris so now she truly had no hope of writing. 

As the honey blonde began to stir from her little nap, she opened her eyes and looked down at her laptop. The lid was closed almost the whole way, her screen had faded to black. She closed the lid fully and then sighed. Her brows furrowing as she moved her arm up, she realised that something was stopping her from moving her laptop off her lap. She turned her head to the side and noticed that Jane had fallen asleep too. Right on Maura's shoulder. 

She looked so peaceful. Her raven curls had fallen across her face, covering her perfectly chiselled cheekbone on the left side. The remainder of a smile still across her features, like she had fallen asleep with one painted across her face. She was facing Maura, a hand rested on Maura's arm and the other wedged between her body and the arm rest. She looked so peaceful, so calm. She looked relaxed for once. This was probably the first time since putting Hoyt away that Jane had looked this undisturbed. 

When Hoyt had started to target Jane, everyone around her worked incredibly hard to put him behind bars. The last thing they wanted was for Hoyt to get to Jane, but unfortunately, they were too late. Hoyt had gotten to Jane, taken her hostage and stabbed scalpels through the palms of her hands. Jane had told Maura that she could still feel it sometimes, like she was back there in that room all over again. She said that sometimes, she felt this pain coursing through her palms, stinging just like the scalpels had. Those scars that she was left with was just one attempt on her life by Hoyt. Then came 'The Apprentice' who worked with 'The Surgeon' to try and kill Jane, but she was resourceful. She used a flare and set it off then took down the apprentice and left Hoyt with two gunshot remainders in his hands, just like hers. The amount of attempts on her life by this sick, twisted, psychopath had caused Jane to have endless nightmares. He was dead now, but the horrors of what he had done still remained. 

Maura had witnessed first hand the trauma that Hoyt had left behind and she hated him. She never felt that way towards anyone before, but Hoyt... he was a special kind of evil and Maura truly hated that man. She couldn't stand him or what he had done to Jane. She saw the way she trembled when her apartment was wrecked. She watched the way she jumped at every single noise. She was the very person to have to wake Jane when her nightmares started. She saw the damage and yet somehow, she continued. She was so strong and watching her sleeping now was like the polar opposite of everything that had happened to the detective on her shoulder.

Maura didn't want to wake her so she let her be for a moment. It wasn't hurting anyone for Jane to be asleep like she was. Steadying a shaky hand, Maura tucked the hair on Jane's face behind her ear and then allowed her finger tips to lightly trace Jane's stunning jawline. The brunette nestled a little more into Maura's shoulder and the smile on her face grew ever so slightly. Was she awake? For a second, Maura froze but after not seeing another movement, she began to gently stroke Jane's head. She used to do this when Jane had nightmares, on the days that Maura stayed with her or visa versa. Jane never knew, or if she did, she had never said anything. It had always calmed Jane down and if that didn't work, then Maura would wake her. Right now, she wasn't doing it to calm her down though and so this held a completely different meaning. 

The honey blonde let out a content sigh, allowing herself to just relax and live in the moment that she was sharing with her best friend. This was perfect... This was blissful and nothing seemed complicated in this moment. Everything seemed so black and white and so simple, like Maura really had nothing to worry about. But then Maura heard a few small stirs from Jane and she quickly withdrew her hand. She looked over as the other fidgeted, her face contorting into frustration. That same look that Maura knew all too well. 

Jane was having a nightmare. So much for peaceful happiness...

The sound of low groans and whimpers escaped from Jane's lips as she tossed herself off of Maura's shoulder and into the middle of her seat. Her brows still furrowed, her hands now outstretched, paralysed and frozen in that position. Maura knew that Jane's nightmare was about that night... That night that Hoyt had changed Jane's life with his sick fantasy. She couldn't watch it anymore. She couldn't bare to see Jane back in that place. 

Placing a hand on Jane's arm, Maura unbuckled her belt quickly so that she could get a better angle to wake Jane. 
"Jane?" She spoke softly, so she wouldn't spook the brunette should she wake abruptly. But she didn't. She just kept groaning and whimpering, like a dog in pain. It was awful and Maura felt her heart break in two. 
"Jane? It's just a nightmare... Come on, you can wake up now. Jane, listen to me... I'm here." Maura grabbed Jane's hand, having to almost force it to curl into a ball. She moved her thumb across the scar on the back of her hand, hoping that the combination of her voice and movements would wake the other. But still nothing. 
"Jane, come on. It's not real. You're okay. You're safe. Just listen to my voice. You need to wake up... You're safe; I've got you." Maura moved her free hand to Jane's shoulder and gave her a light shake. When that didn't work, she did it again and suddenly the brunette bolted upright, her breathing increased to a heavy panting as her eyes widened in fear. 

"Hey... Hey, it's okay." Maura didn't let go of Jane's hand once. She thought Jane would pull away, but you could tell that the fear had paralysed her. "You're safe. I promise..." Maura continued to trace her thumb over Jane's hand and to her surprise, Jane freed her hand from Maura's, only to grab onto it again, lacing her fingers through Maura's. She said nothing, still breathing just as hard and fast as when she woke up. 
"Just focus on your breathing, Jane. Breathe in," Maura demonstrated how Jane should be breathing. "And out." But it didn't help too much yet. She needed Jane to look this way. 
"Jane, look at me. Look at me!" With more command in her voice the second time, she managed to pull Jane's attention and now she was looking directly at her. 

That look of panic that clouded her hazel eyes was awful. Maura could see that Jane was drowning in it and she had to bring her out of it. 
"Jane, just breathe. You're okay... In... and out." She tried again and kept repeating the breathing pattern until Jane finally followed and started to get back in sync again. 
"Alright? You're okay... You're okay." Maura's voice softened again now and finally, Jane was calm again.

"Excuse me ma'am, but you need to put your seatbelt back on now. We'll be landing shortly."
"Yeah, okay. Sorry." Following the flight attendant's instructions, Maura let go of Jane's hand and buckled her belt back in. 
"Thanks Maur'..." Collapsing back into her seat, the detective started to relax once again. 
"Don't mention it..." Giving the brunette's hand a tight squeeze, the two now sat in silence, their hands clasped together. Seeing Jane like that pained Maura, but she was glad that she was here to bring her out of it. Maybe this getaway to Paris will be helpful for Jane too. Maura could only hope...

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