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Driving Jane anywhere was like driving around a small child or toddler. She would moan about the speed Maura /wasn't/ driving at and then moan because the car was 'too hot' or 'too cold'. Jane wasn't a very good passenger and Maura should have thought about that before putting a sleep deprived, grumpy detective in the side seat. She should have let her drive, because the whole way from Maura's house to the mall, all she heard was the groans and complaints of the raven haired female beside her. 

"Maura, can't you go a little faster? I think I just saw an elderly lady going faster than you!" Jane leaned on her hand as she watched Maura cautiously checking the speed limits.
"Jane, I'm going as fast as I can, within the speed limits. Just be patient and be quiet." With a light laugh, Maura shakes her head at the female beside her and focuses the rest of her attention on the road.

"I'm at least turning the radio on..." Jane muttered under her breath as her hand reached out and turned the radio on. They were playing all kinds of music Maura had never heard of, but Jane seemed to be enjoying it. She had even settled into nothing but a small humming to the tune of the song. No complaints. No groaning. Nothing but the sounds of the radio filling Maura's car and the quiet humming of her female companion. 

As the tracks went by, Maura barely noticed any of them. She knew a few from hearing them around but then one came on which haunted her memories.
"Oh. My. God!" Jane laughed hysterically as she cranked the volume up higher, letting the familiar lyrics of Katy Perry's 'Roar' fill the car.
"Come on Maur', you know this one." Jane teased as she playfully nudged Maura. She was right, she did know of it, but knowing the lyrics was something she did /not/ know. She once tried to learn it, in order to seem 'cool' and 'hip' with the teenage daughter to one of her ex's whom she was dating at the time, but it didn't work. She didn't know the lyrics. And still didn't. But as the chorus came in, Maura could no longer resist.
"...GOODBYE TO THE TIGER!" Maura belted out her infamous line and it had Jane in hysterics. The brunette had to wipe tears from her eyes in order to compose herself again and the honey blonde joined in with her laughter. 

"Okay, that's enough of that." Jane stretched out once the laughter subsided to turn to radio off and it was just in time as the honey blonde pulled into the car park. She parked her car off to the side where it would be less likely to be scratched and then got out, grabbing her purse as she did. She locked her car once Jane had dragged herself out and then walked to the detective's side. Linking her arm in through hers, Maura playfully nudged into Jane with a grin painting her face.
"Tough!" Maura said in a rather cheerful tone before she pulled Jane towards all the shops that surrounded the mall. 

To Maura, this was her version of heaven. She loved going into a shoe shop and admiring the way the creator of that particular shoe put their spin on fashion. She liked to slip her foot into something that fitted just right. She loved the whole Cinderella moment that surrounded shoe shopping. Then came the clothes shopping and that was something she admired even more so than shoes! She loved to pick up a sweater and see channel knit, or embellished pieces, or embroidery. She loved to note all the small details that many might miss. She liked the textures and to discover what they were made from. She liked everything there was to possibly like about clothes. She loved matching tops and pants and skirts, picking dresses which hugged her figure and ones which hung looser. She loved it all. 

Jane was the polar opposite to her. She despised everything there was to shopping. She didn't understand why people put themselves through the stress of having to fight someone for one particular piece or size. She didn't understand why people like Maura geeked out over the smallest of things. She didn't understand what got people so excited to find the matching purse to the dress, or shoes. She just didn't get any of it. To Jane, her wardrobe was fine. She wore pants suits to work because was a detective and she couldn't exactly chase down a criminal in a dress now, could she? She liked her greys and blacks and that was what she stuck to mostly. Seeing all this colour was bound to make her queasy. 

"Right, where shall we start?" Maura's eye lit up like a little child on Christmas day as she eyed all the shops around her. She didn't know where to start, but she was sure she would hit them all before they had to go. It might mean shopping a little quicker than she wanted to, but she wasn't here for her, really. She was /meant/ to be here for Jane and her wardrobe crisis because she could not dress the way she did in Paris. Maura wouldn't allow it. She had to come away today with at least a few outfits which Maura wouldn't mind being seen with Jane wearing. She just couldn't go to Paris with her friend looking like she had just rolled out of Boston. It was okay there to wear clothes which did not flatter your figure or weren't on trend, because no one there paid attention to that sort of thing, but in Paris, they sure as hell would. 

"Could we at least do breakfast first? I'm starving!" More complaints came from the raven haired detective but she was right. They should eat a little something before she pulled her around the shops. Their flight wasn't until later in the afternoon anyway, so as long as they were there a few hours before, it would be fine. With a nod of her head, the honey blonde began walking, arm in arm with Jane, towards their favourite place which served the /best/ pancakes and waffles. 
"I think I can compromise on that. But we have to be quick. We have a /lot/ of work to do." 
"Fine!" Jane groaned, but her smile said it was only playful. Maura was actually looking forward to breakfast with her best friend and the shopping they had lined up for after only had her beaming even more so. 

This day was going to be one of the best days ever. 

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