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Curled up in Jane's arms, that's how Maura remained for most of the night. This was until Jane started stirring in her sleep again. She had flipped herself over, her back now to Maura's. Maura could feel the raven haired detective growing more agitated as the night dragged on, so she turned over and pulled Jane in closer, nestling her head into Jane's neck. With Jane now safe in Maura's arms, she had calmed down and they both drifted into a heavier, dreamless sleep until the morning. 

As the sun broke through their blinds, Maura was the first to wake. She slowly opened her eyes, glancing to the female beside her. Jane was facing her, unruly curls draped over her face in a messy fashion. She had one hand tucked under her pillow, sleeping so soundlessly and peacefully that Maura didn't want to wake her. Instead, she smiled and watched the other sleep. 

Why couldn't Maura wake up to this every single day? Jane being by her side right now was everything that Maura had wanted for quite some time. They had shared a bed multiple times before, but this was different. Maura brought her fingertips to Jane's face, tracing her perfectly chiselled jawline and then tucking some of her hair behind her ear. She sighed contently, repeating her action once more before a soft grumble sounded from the detective beside her. Maura pulled her hand back and smiled delicately as she watched the other's eyes open. 

"Morning." Maura said in a small whisper. Jane wasn't a morning person and the last thing she wanted to do was annoy her before their day had even started.
"Ugh..." A groan of frustration from Jane. The usual morning greeting. Maura couldn't help but to chuckle as she watched Jane cover her eyes with her hands. 
"We're in Paris and you're still grumpy about mornings." Maura chuckled to herself, rolling onto her other side, then swinging her legs out of bed to sit up. 
"I don't like mornings." Jane's groggy, husky morning voice made Maura's heart skip a beat.
"Well, I do and you hijacked my vacation, so now you like mornings too."
"Nope. Still don't like them." Stifling a yawn, Jane finally pulled herself to a sitting position.

Maura got to her feet and pulled open the blinds. For a second, she stood at the window to take in the view. She couldn't believe that she was actually in Paris! She had always wanted to go and do nothing but shop and learn about their culture and history. She was so excited for today, even if they didn't have a real plan. Whatever came their way, she was ready for. 

A touch so gentle to Maura's right side startled her slightly. She looked to her left to see Jane Rizzoli stood by her. 
"What you looking at?" 
"Oh, just the view. Isn't it stunning?" Maura leaned into Jane's touch ever so slightly, hoping it would be so subtle that she wouldn't notice, but Jane did. She took her hand away, walked behind Maura and snaked her arms around Maura's waist. 
"It is, yeah." For a moment, no one said anything else. They just stood there, admiring the views. Maura tried not to think too much about the fact that Jane was still holding her tightly, her head resting on her shoulder. If she thought about it, she would ruin the moment, that's for sure.

Jane pulled away finally, grabbing the hotel phone. "I need caffeine so I'm ordering room service." Finding the correct number for room service, Jane dialled. "Do you want anything?"
"Breakfast. You can't start your day without breakfast." 
"I just need a coffee and I'm good to go." 
"You have to eat something, Jane." 
"Like what?"
"Hmm, how about waffles, with some strawberries?"
"Okay, sure." To Maura's surprise, Jane agreed and ordered the pair of them some breakfast and a whole lot of coffee. 

As Jane was placing their morning order, Maura went to the closet to pick out an outfit for the day. She had brought so many clothes with her, it seemed like her options were endless. She had no idea what they were going to do today, but the sun was out and it was beautiful weather. Maura had decided to wear her bikini underneath a skirt and plain tee. Simple, yet still elegant. She knew Jane wanted to go to the pool today, so she took her outfit of choice and went into the bathroom to change. 

Maura slipped out of her pyjamas and folded them neatly, placing them on the sink. She then changed into her outfit of choice. Today, she had picked a black and white stripe bikini, a slightly off-white midi skirt and a black t-shirt that was sleeveless. She tucked the shirt into her skirt and then went back into the bedroom to grab her vanity bag. She was on vacation, so she didn't want to apply heavy make up or do anything too fancy with her hair. She went back to the bathroom and set out her things on the sink. She didn't have time to do it last night, but now was the perfect time. 

Selecting her foundation, she applied a thin coat and covered up the dark circles under her eyes. The exhaustion was creeping in on her and she wanted to disguise it just slightly. After this, she applied a little mascara and then brushed through her hair. She tied it into a very loose and messy bun at the bottom of her head and then put everything back neatly before joining Jane in the bedroom again. 

Jane was already changed by the time Maura had gotten to her. She was dressed in a pair of denim shorts that had a few small rips in the legs, a red t-shirt that was slightly oversized and she had picked out a pair of the sneakers she had brought with Maura. Her hair was still just as unruly as it was when she woke up, which really didn't come as a surprise. Maura was slightly shocked to see Jane in something other than her work gear. She had gotten used to seeing the raven haired female dressed in smart pants, a blouse and chunky heels that she found herself staring at her.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just... I'm just shocked to see you in something other than your boots and work suits." Maura shrugged a shoulder and pulled a pair of black sandals from the wardrobe. Just as Maura was adding the finishing touches of a few pieces of jewellery, a knock at their door interrupted the two. 

Jane answered the door and almost drooled at the sight of the trolley being pushed in. Maura thanked the waiter, giving him a little tip before closing the door behind him. 
"And now we can eat!" Jane wasted no time in pulling the metal domes off the plates to reveal their breakfast. Waffles, with whipped cream and strawberries and a few other fruits. 
"So, what's the plan for today?" Jane asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing her cutlery. Maura sat beside her and grabbed her own cutlery, taking a small bite. 
"Hmm, I was thinking we could walk to the Notre-Dame. It's only fifteen minutes from here." 
"Yeah? That sounds nice." Jane shovelled a forkful of the waffle into her mouth. Instantly, Jane's eyes lit up, making 'hmm' noises as she tasted the food in front of her. "Oh my god, this is /so/ good!"
"And you didn't want breakfast." 
"Yeah, well... I was wrong. I'm having this every single day." Shovelling another forkful into her mouth, Jane tried not to laugh as she looked over to Maura.

"I thought after we were finished at the Notre-Dame, we could maybe take a walk and once you're bored, we can spend the rest of the day in the pool." 
"Why do you presume I'd be the one who gets bored?"
"Because it's you, Jane. You moan when your feet get tired, or when we're in a museum or whenever I go shopping. You get bored easily." Maura expressed a laugh. She was right though. Jane got bored much too easily.
"Okay, but you didn't mention anything about museums or shopping today so they're off the agenda. That way, I don't have an excuse to complain, do I?" 
"Okay, fair point."
"So, we're being tourists for the day and then going swimming? Good plan." 
"I have a swimsuit on underneath, so we can head straight there."
"So do I." Jane's lips curved into a smirk, almost like she was daring Maura. They hadn't seen what the other had picked and Maura couldn't help but to mirror Jane's smirk. 

The two finished their breakfast in silence, Jane finished her second cup of coffee and Maura had a glass of water and a cup of coffee. After breakfast was done, they both cleaned their teeth. Maura then grabbed her white sunglasses and white sun hat to match, along with a tweed bag. She was ready for the day. She checked out her appearance in the mirror, then collected her wallet, hotel card, notebook and pen in case she got the urge to write, camera, phone, and a few other essentials. Jane put her phone, wallet and camera in Maura's bag, too, then put her sneakers on. The two were finally ready.
"We need to stop and pick up some sun lotion, but I think I'm ready. Are you good to go?" Maura asked Jane.
"Yep, I think so." Joining Maura by her side, the two left the hotel room together to go and begin their Paris adventure. 

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