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Breakfast was a stop Maura was not expecting to make, but one which she was more than happy to do. They found a place which served waffles and pancakes, which was perfect for Jane. Maura would have liked something a little lighter, but alas, they didn't serve such a thing. Maura settled on pancakes, topped with some delicious fruit and Jane had the waffles, covered in syrup. They found a small table off the side of the room and sat down, waiting on their order.

Leaning on her elbow, the raven haired detective leaned against her hand to watch the flurry of early morning shoppers. 
"I just don't get it..." She mumbled under her breath before turning to face Maura, elbow now off the table and her head out of her hand. "Why are they here this early? Don't they have a bed to get back to? A husband? A wife? A family? Why do people feel the need to queue before shops even open!" Jane's little rant had Maura smiling from ear to ear and letting out a small laugh.
"Jane, you don't get it because you're too focused on criminals and beer." 
"Maura Isles --" A little shocked, Jane's lips formed into a smirk as she drew herself back, gasped and then lowered her voice. "Did you just make a joke?"
"I think I did." Maura paused, then looked at Jane with a questioning look upon her features. "Was it funny?"
"Yeah, it was." Jane said with a shake of her own head. 

The waitress placed two plates in front of them, one in front of Jane and one in front of Maura. The honey blonde thanked the waitress before picking up her cutlery. "Enjoy," she says and then the pair tuck into their breakfast in silence. Maura wasn't entirely sure about her choice in breakfast food this morning which did make her nervous, but as she started to make her way through her pancakes and fruit, she found herself rather enjoying it. Jane had her waffles and the amount of syrup on them made Maura a little queasy, but she seemed to be enjoying them and that was all that mattered to her.

The two finished up breakfast rather quickly and they sat with clean plates in front of them. 
"That was /really/ good." Jane commented after a moment of silence. Maura nodded in agreement, but was much too distracted by the sights of shops beginning to open their doors to the small crowds of people, waiting to shop. She watched as two women, about their age, entered one of Maura's favourite places and then followed one man with headphones over his ears, then another woman whom Maura saw almost every week, at this same time, heading into the same store. She presumed it was a worker, but she only ever saw the back of her, bound in a black coat and hair tied back tightly into a bun. 

"Earth to Maura!" Jane waved a hand in front of Maura's face which caused the slightly dazed honey blonde to sit back in her seat, refocusing her eyes on Jane's hand which had just waved in front of her. She looked up to Jane and laughed. 
"Sorry Jane. I was a little distracted."
"Yeah, by shop doors opening!" 
"Well..." Maura laughed, cheeks flushing pink. Busted! "Yeah, by exactly that." Folding her hands in her lap, Maura straightened her posture to sit upright. 
"Ugh! Come on, let's get this over with." The grumbling detective got to her feet and then pulled Maura up to her own. Maura left a tip on the table, along with their bill and Jane dragged her out of the cafe, wishing she could be back in there. 

"Where to first?" Jane looked around at all the countless clothes and shoe shops and hoped that they could get whatever it was Maura was planning all in one, like she does when she shops. She didn't want to be going into every single shop, looking through god knows how many rails of the same thing. She didn't want to take her clunky boots off to try on a million and one pairs of stiletto heels that she would never be able to walk in. She just didn't want to shop. At all. But she knew how important appearances was to Maura and she would do anything to please Maura. It was what friends did, right?

"I think we should get you a LBD." 
"A what now?! I don't know what that is, but no." 
"Jane, it's just a little black dress." Maura let out a laugh when she sees the look of shock upon the detective's face. "Calm down, you're not going to get sick shopping." Maura said as she pulled Jane into her favourite store. 
"You might not, but I will..." She mumbled under her breath as she followed Maura into the first place out of the many they were sure to step foot into today.

When they walked in, a young girl greeted the two of them, a smile on her face. Maura greeted her with a warm smile before heading over towards the first railing. It would be cold in Paris and Maura knew Jane would need something warm to go around the beautiful streets in. Jumpers, coats, knitwear, this section was what Jane needed first.
"Okay, before we go shopping for dresses, I'll ease you into it."
"Gee, thanks."
With a smirk upon her face, Maura held out two options for a jumper. "You've got this one, which is a grey, channel knit sweater, baggy on the sleeves, perfect for the weather in Paris." She made Jane hold her first choice and then held the second out. "And this one is a beautiful shade of blue, fluffy, warm, cosy. Perfect." She passed it over to Jane and then went along the railings, flicking through various jumpers and knitwear. She had handed a few more over to Jane, consisting of various colours of khaki, black, grey, white, blue and a daring pink one. She knew it wasn't Jane's thing, but if she didn't get it, Maura just might. 

"Maura, I swear, if you try to get me in pink --"
"Just, try it on."
"Maur', it's ugly! Pink is way too girly for me."
"Exactly why you're trying it on." Maura didn't care about Jane's petition against the pink, she still added it to the pile of clothes. 
"You're going to kill me." Jane's voice was a low whisper, but she carried a playful expression on her face. "You're just like my Ma you know." Her voice louder this time as she spoke to Maura who just kept walking off to the next ugly piece of clothing. "Always trying to force me into pink or something more girly. It's terrible Maura! You've spent too much time with her." Her voice trailed off. It was no good. The honey blonde was not listening and her ranting and petition to stop shopping was going unheard.

When Jane's arms were all full and she could carry no more, Maura began picking up various dresses and a few blouses, jeans and the odd skirt. She picked neutral shades of nude and creme/white for blouses, but dresses she varied in. She picked a few black dresses, pink, blue, patterned, plain, some which hugged figures, some which hung looser. She picked a few knee length, a few floor length, a few which came just to the middle of your thigh. She had a wide variety.

"Maura. My arms are about to drop off." 
"Alright, alright." Maura did struggle to see Jane through the heap of clothes she had dumped on her. The detective was doing well, though. She had barely complained and it was nice to see.
"Right, let's get to a changing room and we can try this on."
"I mean you." Again, her cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink. God, she needed to watch her words. They were sure to get her in trouble one day... 
"Okay, lead the way." Maura guided Jane into a changing room and hooked the hangers onto the hooks.
"I'll wait outside, but I want to see everything on you!" Maura turned sharply on her heel and made her way out of the changing room once again. She took a seat outside, patiently waiting for Jane to re-emerge with the first item of clothing on. 

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