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Cedric's POV
I saw Harry and Ginny talking with some unfamiliar people. I asked Hermione about who these people were and instead of answering she dragged me there.
"Hey Everyone!" Hermione said to them. When the pixie like woman saw she quickly enveloped my fiancé in a hug. As they pulled away Hermione spoke again.
"So I think Harry and Ginny are already introduced to all of you."

"So Cedric this is Alice and Jasper they both are married, Alice is Edward's sister," gesturing towards the pixie and a blond handsome guy "And this beautiful lady is Rosalie and Edward's brother Emmet they are married too." This time gesturing to a big giant man and a beautiful woman. I am one hundred percent sure that they all are Vampires probably animal eaters too.
"And everyone this is Cedric Diggory my fiancée," she blushed prettily. Alice jumped up again and hugged Hermione.
"Alice let her breathe," Rosalie said and who hugged Hermione next after Alice pulled away.
"Congratulations, when did you guys got engaged?" Asked Rosalie.
"Last night." I exclaimed smiling brightly thinking about last night.

As everyone congratulated us, I slid my arm around her waist.
"Did I hear someone getting engaged?" Said someone from behind.
"Hello, Esme And Carlisle," Hermione greeted the couple and hugged the woman. When done with the greetings introduced me to them.
I learned that git's family is far better than him. I was surprised to realise but I was enjoying myself.

"Hey" someone said from behind and I realised that my good time is over, because Edward Bloody Cullen had arrived.

He came up with his arm loosely on Bella's Shoulder more like a friend then a lover. He smirked at me and I felt a sudden urge to punch him.
It was as if Jasper sensed my emotions and said,
"Hey, if everyone is here, we should probably get started."

We all got ourselves comfortable on the long table which was beautifully decorated.
I sat on Hermione's left while she sat next to her uncle, across from Edward and Bella. Everyone started chatting and I started a conversation with Jasper who was sitting next to me, while Hermione was talking to Rosalie.
Jasper excused himself when his phone rang . I felt Hermione's knee brush against mine. I smirked.

No one's POV
Cedric started rubbing his hand on Hermione thigh, and that's when Hermione squirmed in her chair all the while Cedric kept a straight face. When his hand started travelling downwards she spoke.
"What are you doing!" She whispered all the while blushing.
"What am I doing?" He smirked.
"Ced stop!" She whispered.
"What?" He asked innocently.
"You know what."
"What this?" He said and started rubbing her inner thigh, Hermione was on the verge of moaning but stopped herself.
"Stop, Ced!!" She almost spoke loudly
"Ok Sorry." He apologised which clearly by his facial expression showed he didn't mean.
He removed his hand from her thigh instead he held her hand and kissed it.

Little did they know that Cedric's actions were not unnoticed by certain people. Edward was fuming in his chair.
He saw Hermione suddenly all red and that of course confused him. But when he looked under the table his frozen blood started boiling. Cedric and Hermione's actions were observed by Alice too who was sitting next to Edward and knew that he saw them too. Knowing Edward well enough she knew he won't stay silent for very long about this matter.

After they were done with eating soft music started to play, guests got up to dance. All the couples moved towards the dance floor for the waltz.

Cedric places both his hands on Hermione's waist and Hermione paced her's on his shoulders. They started moving back and forth. Their eyes were stuck on each other. Not once they looked away staring into each other's eyes . The world around them faded. As they both had their worlds right their in their arms.

Edward and Bella were dancing but Edward was looking at someone else and was busy fuming that he didn't notice his fiancé's gaze on him but when he did he smiled his crooked smile at her but his attention was still on the happy couple.
Hermione was tired now she just wanted to sit now as she was dancing with Jasper. When the song ended Edward came up to them asking her for a dance. What she didn't notice was Jasper's pleading eyes but that was noticed by Edward and he quickly held Hermione's hand turning her attention on him.

Edward placed his hands on her waist and she rested hers on his shoulder. Hermione was thinking about her Fiancée and engagement last night but she snapped out of her thoughts when Edward tightened his hold on her.

Edward smirked when he saw Cedric glaring at him. But when Carlisle started talking to Him he got distracted. When Edward was sure no one was looking he started moving his hand around her waist and back which clearly made Hermione uncomfortable so she excused herself and sat next to Ginny.

She was telling Ginny what Edward did. And of course Ginny being Ginny a fierce lioness was in an instant fuming. That's when Hermione's phone rang, she excused herself and went out to attend her phone.

"Hello?" No one spoke. She kept asking who it was but no one answered as she was about to hang up someone spoke.
"Turn around Beautiful," she felt shivers down her spine.
As she turned around suddenly she felt gloved hands covering her mouth and in the speed of lightening someone tied a blind fold around her eyes, blocking her vision and a gag in her mouth. And then she was being dragged.

She thrashed her legs and Arms like a wild animal trying to get free. At last they came to a stop. She felt herself being pushed against something hard probably a wall. And the gag was removed she opened her mouth to scream but in seconds ice cold lips were smashed upon hers. The kiss was rough and brutal. At last her capturer released her from the brutal kiss. And all of a sudden the blind fold was removed. But kept her eyes shut.
"Open your beautiful eyes for me,Luv." The voice was familiar to her.
Hermione gasped in shock as she saw her capturer's face. And spoke...

A/N So who is her capturer. And what will Cedric's reactions.

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