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3 years later

Hermione was sitting on the warm sand, a soft smile playing on her lips as she was watching both her boys playing happily in the water, lost in their own world.

Two year ago, Hermione and Cedric welcomed their first child, Dylan Jason Diggory. Hermione still clearly remembered Cedric's first reactions when he held Dylan for the first time. He was so overwhelmed that it brought tears in his eyes.

A few minutes later he sat next to her when their son got busy in making a sand castle. As the sun was starting to set. Hermione rested her head on his chest as he wrapped an hour around her shoulder.
"Cedric do you ever think about what happened 5 years ago?" She asked.
"I do, and till this day it haunts. I am sorry that I was not able to keep my promise." He tightened his grip on her.
"Cedric you know it was not your fault." She cupped his face in her delicate hands. Her wedding ring sparkling in the dimming sunlight.

"I love you, for always supporting me. For giving me such a beautiful child. For...coming back to me." She smiled at his words and kissed him.

"Eeeew!" Little Dylan frowned at his parents and both parents pulled away and laughed.

"Mum can you help me?" Dylan asked Hermione pointing towards the sand castle which did not look like a sand castle from any angle. Hermione laughed and got up to help him.

Cedric smiled as he saw his son fussing over the sand castle.

He was sure that there was surely a God somewhere in this universe who heard his pleas, his cries to return his Hermione back to him. And he thanked that God everyday for blessing him with a perfect family.

There was one more thing he was sure of now that every thing happens for a reason because after that day their love deepened, they both realised each other value and importance...they both understood the real meaning of love.

__________The End___________

A/N I am literally crying my eyes out at the moment. I have so many memories attached with this story. This story holds a different kind of place in my heart as this was my first book. Thank you so much guys for reading and liking this story. I love you.


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