Broken Promises

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"Tell me where the fucking bastard took her?!" Shouted Cedric.
He was holding Carlisle against the wall and holding the scruff of his neck. A cloud of electricity surrounded Cedric making his hair stand at the end and his eyes blaze with more fury and anger than humanly possible to be felt.

Jasper and Harry pulled him away from Carlisle.
"Cedric calm down please," Carlisle told Cedric.
"Please tell me where she is?" Cedric pleaded.
Carlisle asked everyone to sit and they continued their conversation.

"It was the time when there was only Edward and me. There was this very vicious and evil wizard, he was making an army of vampires he wanted Edward and myself to join him. Another friend of mine who was a wizard too helped us. He gave us a house with strong magical barrier around it. They were successful in capturing me and the house was given to Edward in my absence so only Edward and the people he wants can enter the house. And I am afraid he took her there." By the time Carlisle finished speaking everyone was shocked whereas Cedric was now on the edge of exploding.

Alice gasped suddenly as she had a vision she looked at Cedric with a terrified expression.

"Cedric may I talk to you in private?" She asked, ignoring Jasper's hand which had tightened around her upper arm.

He nodded as he kept staring at his hands. Everyone left but not before giving Alice a warning look, as they were all well aware of what Cedric was capable of.

"I had a vision again." She whispered and his head snapped towards her.

"He..he.." She shuttered.
"He WHAT?!" Cedric asked impatiently.
"Herapedher" She mumbled as the room became a pin drop silent But Cedric broke it.
"May I see it?"
"What?"Alice asked with a confused expression.
When he nodded she sighed and nodded.
Cedric took out his wand and pointed it towards her head. And whispered,

Alice's vision

Hermione was struggling under Edward as he assaulted her breast with his mouth. She screamed when he bit her. She was crying and screaming calling out for him. Calling him to come and save her from the devil.

End of the Vision

As he snapped out of it, he ducked his head shamefully. Angry tears falling from his eyes.
He cried because he broke his promise.

Cedric's Flashback

Hermione and Cedric were both in the astronomy tower. Cedric's back against the wall and Hermione was sitting between his legs with his arms around her. It was Cedric's last night at Hogwarts he was getting graduated the next day.

"I am gonna miss this." Hermione said gazing at the night sky.
"Me too." He breathed in her lovely scent.

"Cedric are you scared about the future?" She asked out of blue.
"Yes," He honestly answered.
"Me too, I just don't wanna lose you ,I already almost lost you." She told him. He looked down and gently lifted up her chin.

"You are not gonna lose me now or ever. I promise to protect you and to stay by your side." He told her. His tone held sincerity.

"I love you,Cedric," she smiled at him.
"I love you Hermione, forever,"
And their lips met in a sweet kiss.

End of Flashback

He broke his promise he was not able to protect her, the girl he loved. In his anger Cedric punched the wall until his knuckles started to bleed.
The pain in his knuckles was nothing compared to the pain of his heart.
His heart shattered as he remembered the way she begged the blood sucker to stop, the way she was calling out for him.

Now he was determined to find even if he hid her in the other corner of the world he will find her. He will hold her in his arms again.

A/N so Ik it's been quiet a lot of time since I last updated but I was very busy with my exams which are just around the corner.

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