fifty three

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"Joelle, you're really bleeding". Daehyun says, looking at the open cuts on my arm.

My eyes gaze down at the deep cuts, the pain soon became unnoticeable to me, "I didn't realize". 

Little sounds of movement and shuffling around began happening beside us. I look to my left to see Chaelyn attempting to reach into her back pocket. 

"What are you doing?". I ask softly, hoping nobody would walk into the room as she does so.

"I hid this from them as I came in here". She pauses, pulling a small knife out of her pocket. "It's funny actually, they searched me but somehow missed this". 

I laugh softly at her actions but deep inside, I felt somewhat relieved that she brought that. Within seconds, the rope that tied her wrists together was soon cut in half before she moved forward to remove the rope on her ankles. 

Chaelyn quickly moves over to me and removes the rope on my wrists before moving to Daehyun. 

A wide smile shined on my face as I untied the rope joining my legs together. 

Does this finally mean I'll make it out of here?

"Come on, there's a door right there, let's see if we can find an exit". Daehyun says, getting up and wiping the dirt off of him. 

"Good idea". Chaelyn says, doing the same.

I slowly begin to stand up but my body fulls extremely heavy as if something was weighing me down, my head felt like it was spinning.

"Jo, are you okay?". Chaelyn asks, rushing over to me. 

 I chuckle, "Yeah, I guess I need to get use to standing and walking around". 

Voices became noticeable in a distance as we reached the door. Within seconds, a metal door swings open to reveal Taemin and the two men from before. 

"GO!". Daehyun yells, pushing Chaelyn and I ahead of him as the three men were running towards us. 

The room felt like it never ended, the door felt like it was getting further away with the closer we got. Daehyun soon ran faster and was close to the door with Chaelyn. A large wave of dizziness soon hit my body, knocking me over onto the ground as if a gigantic wall stood in front of me. 

A large hand grabs onto my arm tightly as I look up to met the dark eyes of an unknown man.

"JOELLE". Chaelyn yells. 

"Please just go". I yell back before quickly mouthing 'get him'. 

"Chaelyn, go I'll go back for her, I'll do my best". Daehyun says before whispering to her.

She nods, running through the door before hesitantly closing it behind her. 

Just when I thought everything would be okay...

Jisung's pov

After discussing a plan, our groups broke apart and started making our way towards the building in different directions. 

A million thoughts and feelings rushed throughout my body as my heart began beating faster and faster as we got closer to the warehouse. 

Minho, Chan and Yongguk followed closely behind me as we made it to the side of the building. 

'Climb' I mouth as we stood in front of a metal ladder that went all the way to the top. The three of them followed me as the four of us began climbing up. 

The night breeze cooled our bodies as we climbed higher and higher, the moonlight brought light to the building as we could see our breath in the cold air. 

At the top of the building, there was multiple air vents but only two entrances on either side of the building. Across the way we saw Changbin and his group entering the other entrance. I signal the others to follow me and do the same. 

"We're going to have to be extremely quiet for now on". I whisper to the others. "Be very quiet and try not to run into any of Taemin's men". 

Minho nods, "I understand". 

"We just need to find Joelle". Chan whispers back. 

"Let's do this". Yongguk whispers and we all quietly make our way down the metal stairs. 

This is terrifying...

Joelle's pov

"HOW DARE YOU". Taemin yells, his first connecting to Daehyun's face as he punches him. 

"Taemin, stop!". I yell, attempting to get him to stop hurting Daehyun. 

He walks over to me, his hands running through my hair before pulling it tightly, almost hard enough to lift me off the ground. 

Tears rapidly formed in my eyes as he stood me up, his eyes looked angry, furious even as he stared at me.

"Didn't I tell you to only speak when you're spoken to?". He pauses. "DIDN'T I?". 

I quickly nod my head as the tears ran down my face, "Yes you did". 

"I was the one that freed them, she didn't have anything to with this". Daehyun attempts to capture Taemin's attention. 

"I should of kept you away from them". Taemin says before throwing me back down on the ground. 

A rush of pain runs throughout my body as it hits the cold ground, tears still came from my eyes as my hand slowly moves up to rub the sore spot on my head. 

Please hurry...someone...

Chaelyn's pov

I felt horrible leaving Joelle behind but Daehyun assured me that it was for the best. The guys have to be in here by now, the quicker I find them, the quicker I can lead them back to where Joelle is. didn't seem that easy.

It felt like I was just roaming around in circles as thousands of thoughts ran through my mind and tears began forming in my eyes. 

'I just need to find someone'. I think to myself as my body slowly moves down to the ground, my emotions engulfing me into some kind of dark cloud. My hands covered my face, showing nothing but darkness. 

Multiple footsteps could be heard in the distance as they got closer and closer causing me to quickly get up and hide behind a tall container. 

"Weren't we already down here?". A soft voice whispers. 

Wait...that voice sounds somewhat familiar..

I carefully look up over the container to see a brown haired boy talking to a blonde haired one right before two other boys walking around the corner. 

Wiping the leftover tears from my eyes, I focus on them only to realize its Jisung and Minho. 

"Ji-jisung?". I say softly, coming around the corner before running to him. 

"Chaelyn? What's wrong? What are you doing here?". He asks, pulling me into a tight comforting hug.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry". I cry into him. 

"What happened?". Jisung asks, rubbing my back comfortingly. 

"So I came here and they took me to where Joelle and Daehyun were and he hurt her but left and I freed us and we tried to make a run for it but she wasn't feeling good, she loss a lot of blood from some deep cuts he made on her and Daehyun told me to come and find someone". I pause. "I should have stayed with her". 

"Chaelyn, you did the right thing". He pauses. "Can you show us where he has them?". 

I nod before letting go of him, "I'll show you". 

We're on our way Joelle...please forgive me for leaving you.

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