4. Crazy

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"What?" Markus scoffed.

"We already started we'll finish tomorrow at 7am," I shrugged.

"What happened to 'I'm not killing anyone'?" Ashton asked.

"You're the one who wanted to kill my friends," I grumbled back. Ashton closed his mouth and stared down the road.

"I just think since we already started we should finish," I shrugged. Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Luke shrugged but Markus and Brionna shook their heads.

"I think we should go back to your guys place," Markus said to the 5sos boys.

"Why are you scared?" Calum joked nudging Markus.

"Terrified," he replied wide eyed. Calum didn't expect him to answer so he sat back and leaned against the van wall.

"I don't want anything to happen to any of you," Brionna said looking at us all.

"Nothing will happen we trained for this," I said smiling.

"Wait trained, where?!" She yelled.

"At the sports arena, god," I replied.

"Mandatory for the tour," Michael replied for the boys.

"Why would you train for this?" she asked me.

"To protect myself and others if I have to," I shrugged.

"it's like Divergent," Michael shrugged.

"Calum, Michael, Luke, Ashton, and I are Dauntless. You and Markus are abnigation," I explained.

"This is nothing like Divergent, Dauntless are the police not killers," she huffed.

"We aren't killers we protect people and ourselves from danger," I argued.

"You killed-"

"She deserved it," I interrupted.

"I know but you didn't have to do it in front of everyone!"

"What, would you rather me say 'can you step to the side so I can shoot you? I don't want my friends to see' that was not going to happen," I said raising my hands in the air.

"You could have warned us!"

"I didn't want them to know about my secret!" I yelled and leaned back against the door.

"Are you two okay back there?" Ashton asked.

"Just peachy," I replied.

"Um here looks like a good place," Ashton parked in front of a big house.

"Is anyone inside?" I asked sitting up.

"I don't think so the windows are smashed to bits and the door is gone," Ashton said getting out of the car and looking at the house.

"We should look for survivors to make our group bigger," I said grabbing my backpack and jumping out. Everyone looked at me surprised.

"Yeah, the psycho wants to look for survivors and wants to expand the group," I said and ran to the house. I entered and everything seemed to be smashed to bits. Not a single piece of merchandise was saved, dammit.

"Hello?" I whispered walking through the dark house and occasionally stepping on glass.

"Hello?" I called again and opened the door. It turned out to be the security room. Well it was the security room. There was blood on the floor in front of the door and odd signs were drawn on the wall. I called Calum on my cell phone.

"Find anyone?" he asked picking up.

"You need to see this," I said then hung up.

"Where are you?"

"Upstairs security room," I replied hanging up. I heard the glass crunching under boots downstairs.

"What's u- woah," Calum gawked.

"This is weird," I said looking around the room.

"I know," Calum said sticking his head in the room.

"I already checked the house there's no one here," I said starting to walk into the room.

"Don't take another step," he warned. I stopped and looked down. There was a trip wire that went across the door frame.

"What the-," Calum pulled me back quickly. He picked up a large piece of a plate and threw it on the wire. Two knives stuck out of the sides and quickly went back in acting like feet guillotines.

"That's some serious shit," He said ushering me downstairs. I heard a THUNK followed by the thud of a body. A gunshot rang through the house followed by another thud. We both ran down the stairs quickly. Someone was lying on their back on the ground, groaning and clutching their head. Next to them was a man dressed in a school uniform with a creepy smiling mask on and lying motionless on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He came up from behind us and wacked Michael upside the head with a baseball bat," Ashton said crouching down beside Michael.

"Why were you all turned away?!" I practically yelled.

"We wanted to make sure you both were safe," Luke huffed.

"Let's just get out of here the others probably heard it too," I said ushering everyone to the van.

"Ashton, help me pick up Michael," I directed. He nodded and put Michael's arm over his shoulder. I did the same but I felt Michael flinch and start to double over.

"Put him down! Put him down!" I ordered quickly putting him down and rolled him on his side. Michael threw up all over the sidewalk, coughing and groaning.

"Okay now we can pick him up," I said lifting him back up and setting him down gently in the van. Ashton hopped over the seat into the drivers seat. Brionna rolled up her jacket and placed it under Michael's head. Michael groaned and lifted his hand up to touch his head. I grabbed his hand before he could.

"Don't," I said putting it back down by his side. I picked up a rag and water bottle. I wet the rag and dabbed his head lightly. His neon green hair had a streak of red rolling down the side.

"Everything is really loud," he whined.

"I know I'm sorry," I apologized quietly as I could and dabbed the side of his head.

"I need some of that tranquilizar," I said holding out my hand. Markus hand me the syringe and I carefully stuck about 1/5 of it into Michael's arm. His eyes started to droop and he fell asleep quickly after.

"Ready?" Ashton asked.

"Hold on," I said taking an extra blanket from out of my backpack and putting it under Michael's head.

"Okay let's go," I sighed.

"Take us to the flat," Luke said. Ashton nodded and drove off.

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