3. Downtown

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"How did we end up here?" asked Luke.

"I was just trying to get away from them," Ashton shrugged.

"We need to get out of here," I urged. Ashton shifted the gear and pressed down on the gas but the car didn't move.

"Shit," he swore.

"What?" asked Brionna.

"We're out of gas," He said wide eyed. We all gasped and leaned towards the front.

"That can't be we just refilled it before we picked up Cam!" yelled Michael. We all pondered for a bit.

"The group," Luke spoke.

"Fuck!" Calum yelled punching the door. The boys turned to each other and began to talk.

"You can't always depend on me," I said turning to Brionna and Markus handing them a gun each. They put it in their belts and pulled their jackets over it.

"If I go too far shoot me," I explained.

"I can't shoot you!" exclaimed Brionna.

"Me either," Markus said throwing down his gun.

"You need to," I said re-adgusting my belt and jacket. Ashton climbed into the back with us.

"Ready?" I asked everyone. The boys gathered their things. Calum handed Brionna and Markus a mask each. They slipped them on and nodded. I quickly slid open the door and hopped out. Everyone followed behind.

"You don't have any enemies that would kill you do you?" I asked Markus and Brionna. Brionna shook her head and Markus' eyes widened.

"Hi Cam," I girly voice cooed. I turned around and there was a dark brown haired girl dressed in all white with a creepy smiling mask on. She was covered in blood and had a large machete in her hand.

"No but you do," Markus gulped. She giggled and took a step forward.

"Fuck off," I said fake cocking my gun. I learned how to make the sound many years ago with my mouth. She simply giggled and took another step closer. I cocked my gun for real this time and she stopped.

"Don't you remember me?" she asked tilting her head.

"You have a mask on," I said holding up my gun and putting my finger on the trigger. She lifted up her mask and there was the person I hated the most in the world.

"Bitch," I spat. Everyone sat aside watching our feud.

"That's no way to treat your ex-girlfriend," she smiled.

"You're not worthy enough to be called my ex!" I spat.

"Wait she's a lesbian?" Michael asked Markus.

"Bi-sexual" Markus replied.

"Oh," he nodded.

"It was just a little fun," she smirked.

"What is she talking about?" Luke asked Brionna.

"Nothing," Brionna replied.

"You call it fun I call it torcher! You got some random bastard to-" I yelled cutting myself off by exhaling and inhaling loudly.

"Ha you screamed and cried the whole time it was music to my ears," she smirked.

"Shut up," I growled.

"And when you came out of the room naked we had the whole school waiting for you," she smirked.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

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