chapter 1

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My step-mom is drunk . I knew that she was going to hurt me again and blame me for his husband's death. I knew that hiding won't help me since she always knew my hiding places but I still do so... hoping that she won't find me this time when she always could.

My step-mom used to be a very kind woman. She takes care of me as if I was her real own child. I actually felt love and I thought I'll finally have a happy family. I thought I was lucky when they had orphaned me but...

...after that accident two years ago...

Everything changed and she started to hate me...

If only I was the one hit by that car instead of my step-dad...

If only he hadn't pushed me away and saved me...

The two of them would still be together today...

They could just adopt a new child and forget about me...

"Akira... where are you , you stupid child... you are a fucking bad luck to us... Where the hell are you?! Don't even try hiding you little murderer!" mom said and I can't stop shaking and sobbing.

I was so hurt . Hearing my step-mom said that really hurts a lot. It hurts because I love both if them. They are now my parents... but my mom hates me so much she can't even stand having me around...

...maybe... if I'll just let her hurt me more... she'll forgive me?

I listen to her footsteps... she's getting closer...

"Akira! Show yourself! I'm going to kill you, you damned child!" she said and I shivered.

I do want to just go out and get over it but I'm scared. I'm just and eight year old boy. I don't want to get hurt... nor do I want to be locked up in the basement...

... the basement is scary...

I tried to be as silent as I could but I knew that she knew that I'm just here, cowering in fear inside our closet. She was walking towards the closet now. Its only a matter of seconds before she'll pull me out of it by the hair and drag me somewhere to beat up and then lock me up in the basement till morning. It was like a daily ritual now ever since 2 years ago...

"There you are..." Mom hissed and pulled me out of the closet.

I cried and begged her to let me go. My tears was randomly dropping on the floor as she drag me down the stairs. It hurts and I could feel the burning on my scalp and the pain on my legs as I was roughly dragged down the stairs. I knew that it was going to bruise a lot tomorrow.

Anyway... she let my hair go and let me fall on the last couple of stairs. I hit my head on the ground and felt dizzy. There was also a sting on my forehead and something was dripping from it. I was too scared to care though. I was begging her to stop as I cry. She only stared down to me with a drunken, malicious smirk...

... she looks nothing like my Mom.. my kind mom...

"Mom... Please..." I begged as she run towards me, punched me in the face and kicked me a lot. I started to find breathing difficult. It hurts a lot and I'm dizzy. All I could do was yelp and cry as she beat me up. She stopped and I thought she was too tired to care anymore and just leave but he pulled at my hair again, making me cry as I reach my hand up to my hair to lessen the pressure.

She was pulling me to the basement...

"Mom! Please! I beg you... please... stop.... not the basement mom... please..." I begged as she simply laughed and then I heard a click...

The basement door is now open...

"MOM!!!" I screamed as she pushed me inside the dark basement.

I cried and cried hysterically. I frantically knocked on the door, not caring about my injuries or the dull headache anymore. I just want to be out of here...

"Please.... MOM!" I begged as her footstep slowly goes and away...

She's going to let me in here for the whole night...

I stopped screaming for I knew it was futile. I just slid down the wall and closed my eyes, shivering violently. I tried to stop myself from letting my mind go to scary thoughts but it was too late. I could now hear things around me clearly and I know... something was moving towards me.

I was so scared that my heart speeds up. It adds up to my dizziness. It hurts all over my body and I'm locked up in this cold basement with something scary...

"I...don't want to die yet..." I whispered as I tightly closed my eyes and hugged myself to preserve warmth. The moving ceased... was just beside me...


It was morning already. I felt something dried up from my forehead down to the side of my head. I reached to it and saw dried blood on my fingers. My forehead stopped bleeding but it still hurts. My whole body hurts a lot too. I pushed my self up to sit and looked around. Its still dark inside but thanks to the small window that let's sunlight in, I could see a bit clearer now.

I decided to stand up but failed miserably. I felt nauseated and dizzy. I just decided to reach for the knob and see if it was unlocked. It wasn't. I'm so hungry now and my stomach grumbles a lot. I'm thirsty too. I should have just died peacefully while sleeping than to wake up miserable like this.

It saves my mom the trouble of hurting me... and me of being hurt...

Anyway, I just decided to lean on the wall and just sleep again but then... my hand landed on something...

"A doll?" I said with a raspy voice. My throat hurt a lot because of it and I coughed. Anyway, I took the doll and look at it closely.

It was a weird doll. It wears a black kimono with a leather obi. Its hair was red black and white on random places. Its face was painted weird but it looks pretty. It was the size of 3 year old child and it seems alive. I softly put it down again as my head hurt and spin for a brief moment.

Then... I passed out...

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