chapter 6b (part 2)+Epilogue : BAD ending

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It was weird...Kouyou-san isn't around to greet me home or something. Kouyou-san is the mother figure and he was a fulltime househusband... so I can't understand why he aren't around too. He was supposed to be always around unless he goes out to buy something but... it was Yuu-san who does that usually . The house feels unusually silent too... almost too eery and weird...

"Kouyou-san? ... ano... I'm home... eto..." I called out awkwardly as I walked down the hall. Its getting dark too and the lights... none of it was turned on like it usually should...

This isn't a prank ... right? I'm actually getting scared now.

"M-mom?" Kouyou-san always wanted me to call him that so I thought that by doing so, I could lure him out...

...but then, a familiar playful chuckle resounded all around me...

actually... it feels as if the voice was inside my head...

I shivered at that thought and I yelped, frightened , as something, a shadow of some sort, moved from the corner of my eye...

...but when I turned to that direction, there was none...

and suddenly... a voice whispered in my ears...

"Akira..." it said with a familiar voice but its tone is malicious and deadly...

When I turned back ,though, there was no one again....

I'm scared... what is happening here?

Then I remembered someone who could do something like this...

I've never seen his scary side before but I knew ever since that it was just there...

... I always knew that I should be scared of him...

"Ruki..." I whispered and decided to run towards my room...

Only to see him sitting over the edge of my bed and tossing something I couldn't make out what since it was dark. I groped for the light switch to turn on the lights...

.... only to scream at the sight that greeted me...

Kouyou-san was laying on the floor, a deep gash on his throat was bleeding furiously. He was dead and blue due to blood loss already...

I don't know how I'll react...

Should I scream in anger...

Or cry in fear?

I don't know but all that I could do was to shiver uncontrollably as I turn towards Ruki... who was smiling like a child despite the blood that stained him all-over...

Then... something caught my eyes...

The thing he was tossing up and down was...

"Kai..." I sobbed as I watch his head being tossed up and down. I cried tears and all Ruki did was stood and looked down to me as I fell on my knees...

"Aren't he cute? Now I understand why you prefer him... Ah... but what should we do?... He is now gone..." He said and threw the severed head in front of me. I want to vomit but swallowed instead . I tried to reach for it... but I'm too scared...

...this is so horrible...

....this isn't true...

Ruki is so cruel... How could he do this?

"How could you do this to me? I thought you were my friend! Why did you kill them?! Why, Ruki?!" I sobbed, leaning my head on the blood stined floor as I felt him stoop in front of me and stroked my hair with his fingers softly.

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