Chapter 6a+ Epilogue : GOOD ending

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*Ruki's POV*

I've finally come up with a decision...

I'll kill myself and let Akira live alone... but happily with the one he loves this time...

*Reita's POV*

I know that I should be happy that I'm now with Kai but having a silent treatment with Ruki still do upsets me. Sometimes, I do wonders if he was still there. I don't know what I'll do if I'll lose him. He helped me through a lot and I don't want to lose him. He was the one who treated my wounds, held me close when i'm hurt and scared.I can't afford to lose him.

Maybe... I do love him...

I can't just realize it yet...

"Akira?Something wrong? You've been unreachable since earlier this morning and you looks upset... Are you okay?" Kai asked me and I simply stared at him, confused and doubtful. 

I have to choose in between them... Ruki or Kai?

Can I really do that? Can I really choose one?

If so... then.. It got to be...

"I'm sorry... Kai. I love you but I can't be with you. Someone needs me more than you." I've suddenly said, remembering Ruki's hurt expression as he cried that night.

He probably has been hurt like this his whole life. I shouldn't have rejected him. I   probably had hurt him so much. He doesn't deserve that... Ruki doesn't deserve that when all he have done to me was to help me. Kai didn't deserveto be hurt too but Ruki has always been there for me. Ruki needs me more than Kai do. Kai can still find someone who'll love, cherish and accept him... As for Ruki... It was only me... 

"Reita...?"  Kai just stared at me and I expect him to hit me or cry but then he only smiled and patted my shoulder. "I'm glad that you are now honest with your feelings. I do felt love at first but then, you've changed and I thought it was my fault because I thought your impression of me changed and I'm not the guy you want. Now that I know you have someone you loves more than me, I could readily accept the truth. I'm going to be fine so go to that person and tell him that you chose him."

I didn't expect Kai to be this accepting but Kai has always been a kind person. I know that he is hurting too. I know that he was just hiding the fact he wants to cry behind that cheerful smile. I know that I'm an asshole to hurt him and I don't deserve such angel but I'm really thankful for him. I'm glad that I had fallen in-love to such a kind guy like him. 

"Thank you, Kai."  I said and Kai nodded to me, urging me to go on.

"You're welcome." He said as I run away towards home.

I didn't even explained to my parents why I'm home so early. I just went straight to my room and looked for Ruki...

...Only to see his porcelain parts shattered on the ground...

I run towards him  and picked him up but he only shattered further.

Who did this? Who killed Ruki?

I cried and cried as the thought that I had just lose him sink into my mind.

Kouyou-san went on to check on me and patted my back to calm me.

"Its the doll you owned ever since we had found you... you were pretty attached to it. I'm sorry..." He said and I immediately snapped at him, thinking it was him who had done this.

"You killed him?!" I yelled, accusing him as he shook his head no.

"Killed him? I didn't do it, Akira. I just heard something crash in here but I didn't go inside to see it since you hate me going through your stuff. I didn't break it nor do anyone. No one comes in your room since its locked and only you have the key, remember?" Kouyou-san said and he has a point. Ruki had to lock himself inside my room so no one else would see him and only I have the key to my room...

So who would do this...?

Did he...?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean it... I need you Ruki...Don't leave me..." I said and sobbed more as Kouyou-san patted my back and pulled me to a hug. It doesn't makes sense to Kouyou-san what I had been saying and he might think i'am crazy but I don't care. What i'm saying now, I trully mean it...

"Its okay. I knew you were upset." Was all Kouyou-san could say as I cried more, hugging Ruki's shattered body to my chest.

Ruki is now dead and I no longer know what to do.


Five years have passed...

Since then, I tried doing things to remake Ruki. I kept his original remains in a box inside my room. Sometimes, I'll just feel his presence around me.

I still don't know how he had break like that. Maybe, it was my fault since I've hurt him and he just decided to kill himself like that...

Anyway, every attempt seems futile. None of them looks as close as him. It wasn't as perfect as him. An old man from a shrine told me that I have to make an exact replica of him and call his spirit to bring him back but I just can't make it right.

I lose hope many times... But I didn't stopped...

I knew that the only way for me to be happy was to bring him back...-

"This is it... the last part." I said as I closed my eyes.

I had finally made a porcelain doll that looks exactly like him. Now, all I have to do was to call him back...

"Ruki... I love you. Please... come back." I begged but as I opened my eyes, nothing seems to happen.

Another failure, I guess. I sighed and stood up from my seat.

I'll just have to resta-

"Is that true?" I felt a tug at my sleeve and heard a familiar sweet voice.

I slowly turned around to see if it was true... and when I do, there he was, sitting over the table with a hopeful expression on his face.

I felt tears stung in my eyes and fell down my cheeks as I pulled him for a hug.

"You are already a grown man but you still cry a lot." He teased and I laughed. More tears of joy falling from my eye as I hugged him tighter. I just can't believe that it worked...

I then pulled away from him softly and looked into his eyes, brushing his tears on his cheeks with my thumbs as I smiled down to him.

"I'm sorry, Ruki...  and I love you." I said before leaning closer for a soft kiss.

When I let go, he smiled and hugged me.

"I love you too Akira and I forgive you. Thank you for giving me another chance to say those words and hear them from you." He said and we shared an affectionate deep kiss.

I knew that my apology wasn't enough but I'll make sure to make up for it for the rest of my life, which I'll love spend with him.

I love him and I'll make sure to make him know every time now that I've been given another chance to make things right again.

"You are the only one who can make me happy Ru... and now that you are back, I'll do the same for you. I'll make you feel loved too like how you've done to me." I said affectionately as he hold my left cheek with his right hand and looked at me equally affectionate.

"Thank you Akira... "

I don't know what future holds for us but as long as we were together, I know that I can do anything. I'll  keep on loving him for the rest of my life and if I could, I'll keep on loving for as long as my soul gets rebirthed. I won't ever make the same mistake of hurting him anymore.

"I love you so much Ruki..."


A/N: This is the Good Ending. The Bad ending is a bit too long but its going to be finished soon :)

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