chapter 2

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I don't know what happened. When I woke up, I'm already sleeping in my bed and its already night. There' s a tray of late lunch on my nightstand and when I reached up to my forehead, it was already bandaged. My other wounds had been treated too. Its weird. Mom had learned to stop caring about me ever since dad had died so for her to do this... she changing back to being my good, kind mother again?

Anyway... I'm grateful...

I decided to eat the lunch. I haven't eaten anything since last night so I'm really hungry. I finished the food in a second due to my hunger. I decided to move up and bring the plates and tray back in the kitchen when I noticed the weird -but pretty- doll sitting on a chair beside my.

"That was weird..." Isaid as I stared at it.

I walked up to the doll and held it up.

"Who brought you here?" Isaid, particularly speaking to no one. Ismiled though.

"You are pretty... So I'll keep you..." I said and laid him on the bed

....and then, I heard footsteps towards my room...

It was mom...

...and she really looks furious...

"Why are you out of the basement? and who treat your wounds? and this?!" I only stood frozen as she gestured to the bandages over my wounds and then she pushed the tray off my hand and slapped me.

"M-mom?" Isaid, confused. Weren't she the one who did this ? why is she so angry?

"And you even dare touch the food, huh? You disrespectful little brat! HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed and started beating me with her umbrella.

I could only sob and whimper at every harsh hit . The bandages starts falling off of me and fresh new bruises and cuts appear on my skin. He hit me so hard on my head that I blacked out.


Akira had fallen unconscious upon one particular hit on his head. His stepmother didn't care though and thought he was just pretending. He pulled Akira up only to have him limply falling from her grasps with a loud thud.

"Oi, Akira?! Stop scaring me you little brat!" She said and shook Akira but Akira didn't respond and remained unconscious on the floor.

She checked Akira's heartbeat and his breathing just to make sure he was alive. When she was sure he isn't dead, she gave him one last kick and left him sleeping on the floor. Muttering a soft 'bastard' before closing the door and go to her own room.

The room remained silent save for the boys soft, laboured breathing...

But then, the doll he had laid on his bed had started crying tears.

Warm tears streamed down the doll's porcelain cheeks that soon changed into a human skin...

Soon enough, a young man stood from the bed...

The doll had turned into a man...

"You poor little boy..." The doll said as he stroked the sleeping boy's soft cheek. "Thank you for saying I'm pretty.... you are a handsome little boy too... don't you worry. I'm going to take care of you." The doll then carried the boy in his arms, laying him back into the bed and tend his wounds again.

The doll can't stop his tears as he look at the voice wounded, frail body. The boy didn't deserve this but he could do nothing about it. He could only be a man when no one sees him because he can't risk scaring the young boy and his mother. He can't protect the boy from his mother even if he wanted to because he was bound in a curse that makes people fear him. All he could do was to tend on the boy's wound as he sleeps and watch everything all over again when he wakes up.

The doll sobbed again as he held the boy's cheek and leaned to kiss his lips.

"Reita... Its been hundreds of years since I had last seen you... I had forgiven you. You no longer have to suffer... " He said and stroked the young boy's cheek with his thumb ...

The name of his lover sounds alien yet nostalgic as he speaks. Its been a long time since he had last said the name of the man that he had loved - and still loves. He knows that it has been a miracle for him to be able to see him once again but...

In this state?

"I'm so sorry... I can't help you my love...." He said as he cried and hugged the young boy gently.

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