chapter 3

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I woke up in my bed again. I don't know what happened wrong last night. I thought mom has changed but then she beat me again and now...

My wounds are treated  and I was neatly tucked under my bed beside the pretty doll again. I'm so confused and my head really hurts. I hoped it won't result in anything worst.

I decided to stand up and looked around. The plates were no longer scattered around but it was neatly stacked on a side. I just... couldn't understand... if not mom... then who was doing all of this?

I then turned the doll and noticed dried wet line on its cheeks... like it had cried and then... cried? But it was a doll and dolls can't cry...

I sighed... maybe I do hit my head hard and its taking a very bad effect on me now...
I took the doll and to examine it carefully and then a note fell from its hand...

'Call me Ruki. '
Is what it says. I didn't notice any paper on it yesterday but probably, it was the previous owner who wrote it. I nodded as if understanding and smiled.

"So... your name is Ruki. I'm Akira... let's be friends." Isaid as I picked him up and hugged him.

I never goes to school or even goes out so I've got no friends. Well, I think there's nothing wrong with treating this doll as a friend. Anyway, my head started to hurt again so I decided to lay back and sleep again. There's nothing I can do around without getting scolded so I'd rather stay in my room.

*Ruki'sPOV *
I thought it was a good idea to leave a note so he would know my name. Maybe, it could bring back memories too if he truly was Reita's reincarnation.

Anyway, he seems to be a in a lot of pain. I don't want to cause him anymore of it so I won't try sneaking out food again unless he was truly hungry.

I decided to change into my human form again and hugged him once he had fallen asleep. I want to provide more warmth to him and he seems to calm and sleep better when I do that so I just laid beside him and watch him. He looks so peaceful and calm when sleeping.  I can't help but to lean and kiss him once again. I should have come to him long time ago... but what can I do? I'm scared... but now that I'm with him again, I know that I'll be okay.

I just laid there with him as he sleep and let myself  reminisce our memories as I stared at his lovely face...


I smiled as I walked towards the lake. There was that young man again with a gloomy look on his face. I could only watch from afar and hide behind a tree...

I could never show myself to him...


I  thought that I could never show my self to him but he was kind. He accepted me as soon as he saw me. I thought he was going to reject me because I look different even in my human form. People just couldn't help but hate me. I don't even know how I even managed to exist but now, I'm glad I'm here with him.


He told me that he loves me  and that, he wants me to come with him but...
I'm scared...
What will he do if he founds out the truth that I have been hiding...?

Will he still want to stay with me?


He told me that we should leave today... I told him that he should listen to what I have to say first...

I'm scared that he'll leave me if he found out...

...that's why I decided to give him my all...
We made love that night by the lake...
I'm truly happy... But i'm still scared...


I told him the truth...showed him the truth...
He was petrified. He started running away from me and even called me a demon. He even tried killing me after knowing the truth. I was  so scared and hurt. He looked at me as if I was a demon...
I do kill humans to maintain my  human form but...
I promise not to hurt him as long as he loves me...
But he run away from me...
"You can never run away from me " I warned with angry tears in my eyes as I watched him run away.


I decided to go to the town and find him but then, I found out that he had already married a noble woman...
I was so angry that I went to their home...
I murdered his wife and ate her while he was away and wear her clothes...
Then, I laid on the futon and wait for him inside the dark room...
He walked up to me, thinking I was his wife and laid with me...
He lovingly kissed my shoulder and neck before he turned  me around only to find out it was me...
He was so scared... He started looking for his wife...
He opened the sliding door to let the moonlight in and saw me in his wife's bloody kimono... and then saw blood all-over the floor...
"Where is she?!"  He screamed at me.
I only smirked at him and pointed at my belly...
"I ate her and her baby."  I said and he  shivered in fear and anger. " I'll eat you too, soon..."
I said....
That night was the best...
He tasted so good and we became one that night...
I had to retch that vile woman though... she tastes ugly and she even have a baby...


I smiled as I hugged Akira.  I know for sure that he won't abandon me like Reita do.

"You won't make the same mistakes, aren't you?" I smiled and stroked his cheek with my thumb.

He squirmed a bit and I smiled. He was so cute.

I'll make sure he'll never leave me ever again... I'll protect him...
I can't take him away from here now...
What would he say if I , a doll, took him away?
I don't even have any means of supporting a human child like him...
I just have to make sure that woman won't hurt him ever again...

Should I eat her too and find someone else to take care of him?

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