Chapter 6b : BAD ending

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A/N: I had said that there'll be a BAD end. I'm still debating whether to publish it or not but decided to publish it anyway. I don't know how, you, people would react to it on the way. I just want to warn you about the gruesome parts of this chapter. There'll be lots of bloody part in it and its less romantic or fluffy. I don't know about your expectations so if this wasn't in your cup of tea, don't read it. I've warned you, anyway.

Also, thank you to all those who reads, leaves a comment and votes. I'm trully happy for it and it encourages me a lot...

- Kim-chan :)


*Ruki's POV*

I've finally come up with a decision...

I'll kill Kai and force Akira to love me.

*Reita's POV*

It was hard not having Ruki around but since Kai is here with me, I think that I could go on.


Ruki hasn't been talking to me for two weeks now and I'm worried. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if he was still there and alive. I don't want to hurt him and seeing him cry like that hurts me too but I just can't force myself to love him. I knew that he had done a lot for me and I'm an asshole for rejecting him but I can't just lie to both of us and hurt us both. I hope that he'll understand that Kai matters to me too and I can't love him like how I love Kai but we can stay like best friends forever if he would only allow that to happen.

I hope he understands...

"Akira... have you talked to your friend? You said you had a fight with him..." Kai asked, concerned, as I shook my head and tell him "No."

"You should talk to him... you are upset because he is an important friend. You should make up with him before its too late. You won't want to lose such important friend, aren't you?" Kai advised and I simply nodded.

He is right... I should talk with Ruki and resolve this issue. He is a very important friend. I can't afford to lose him and just pretend that I'm okay when he was not around. I'm not okay when he isn't around and even if he was just sitting in a chair in his doll form, I still feels lonely not having him moving around and making his presence known to me. His silence kills me inside and I can't stop myself from crying everynight. It feels as if he was abandoning me...

"You are right, Kai ... I should talk to him." I said as Kai nodded and flashed me that cute dimpled smile that I love so much before patting my back as an encouragement.

"Go ahead then... Tell me what happen tomorrow ... I wish you luck, love." He said as I nodded. I leaned to give him a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be going then. Be safe, love..." I said and noted the faint blush dusting his cheeks. I ,then, smiled at him and walked ahead.

"Good luck, Aki-kun!" He called and I waved at him as I run , turning in a corner...

I never knew that it was my last chance of seeing my cute, dimpled lover... alive.


I'm angry... so angry...

Seeing Akira smile like that because of that slut...

Seeing Akira kiss his forehead affectionately...

I hate that Kai...

He looks exactly like that bitch hundreds of years ago...

The noble woman who stole Reita away from me...

... no wonder why Akira won't love me too...

I waited for Akira to leave him alone...

As soon as Akira bid his farewell, I followed Kai on his way home...

When we were on the part where there is no much people around...

I tackled him onto the ground...

He struggled a lot and even tried to scream but I held him down by straddling his waist and placed my right hand over his mouth to prevent him from making much noise. Using the long nails on my left hand, I dugged his eyes out and hell...

...his muffled cry and his agonized face brings joy to my broken heart...

His screams is music to my ears.

"L-let m-me ... go...! " He begged as I pulled his eye out of its socket till the connecting nerve snapped.

I brought it closer to my mouth for a lick... it taste horrible...

"Well... what else to do?" I said as he shivered beneath me . I could also feel dampness beneath me. "How awful... you piss in your pants..." I chuckled as a thought occurred in my mind.

I pushed the eyeball between his lips and covered his mouth to force him to swallow. I smirked as I saw his throat bobbed up and down...

... he swallowed his own eyeball...

" How disgusting... any way... I'm tired of playing games ... Let's end this...." I said, bringing my left up hand up. Aligning my fingers so I could use my nails to stab his throat. As soon as my nails dugged deep into his flesh, I knew that this was over. Withdrawing my lodge hand from his throat, I watch him bleed with glee. Every sputter and gushing of blood fascinates me. This feels exactly like my first kill... the thrill is making me shiver in excitement.

"This is fun... " I said with a shivering, excited voice as I watch him weakly squirm beneath me and held onto his throat...

Well... I thought of something...

"I have to bring Akira a souvenir..."

What's fitting then?... I do heard from Akira the he loves his sweet smile...

I sighed.

Holding either side of his, I lifted it up a bit...

...Before twisting it violently to the left and to the right...

Snapping his neck bone off and severing his head...

"How cute...Your face are of pure terror... "

I chuckled maniacally as I admire his sweetly deformed face before standing away from his body, leaving it bleed and get eaten by swarming bugs and dogs. I simply went on walking and tossed his head up and down like a gleeful child playing with a ball before disappearing into the dark.

I'm off to see Akira now...

... and show him my present...

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