Chapter 5

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*Reita's POV*

I'm so happy. Kai agreed to have a date with me now. I can't wait to tell the news to Kouyou-san  and Yuu-san... 

Also, Ruki...

I knew that he'll  be happy for me too...

I ran immediately  home and as soon as I got inside, I told them the news.

Ruki... doesn't look happy though but he wish me luck on my date...

I'm so happy and I can't wait for Saturday to come...

*Ruki's POV*

I'm so hurt...   seeing that kind of happiness come from Akira, which I had not caused. It hurts me to find out someone made him feel special other than me...

... and I could clearly see the love in his eyes....

"It hurts me... Akira..."   I unconsciously said as I sat on a chair and Akira turned to me.

"What hurts you Ru-Eh?  You... You are crying... What's wrong?" He asked me and walked towards me. He held my cheeks in his palms and made me look up to him. "What's wrong, Ru? Tell me..." He brushed away my tears as I silently looked up to him.

"Why do you always do this to me? I love you... I thought you knew... Why do you always break my heart? I thought you were now different... Why? " I kept on saying non-sense, letting more tears fell from my eyes.

He simply looked at me though, shocked and confused. He didn't say anything so I repeat what I had said.

"I love you... "  I repeated and he let me go. His expression was that of shock and disbelief.

"I... Ruki... I can't... I only see you as a friend... I.. " Akira stuttered as he walked away from me and I can feel anger boil inside me.

I just stood away from  him and sighed deeply. He tried to reach for me but I shook my head.

"STAY AWAY!!!!!!!" I yelled. More angry tears falling from my eyes.

I knew for sure that his new parents had heard me and I could hear their panicked footsteps towards this room. In a matter of seconds, they were both knocking on the door already. Their voices laced with worry.

"AKIRA!  What's wrong? Who's there with you?" Yuu asked but Akira remained silent and looked at me.

"Ruki... I'm sorry. Please don't be angry at me. I need you... I just can't be with you like how you've wanted to... Please?" Akira begged but I shook my head.

I can't do that... I just can't...

I transformed back to my doll self.

I didn't turn into a human even if he begged. I just remained an emotionless doll.

I'm starting to get tired of this shit. He just couldn't love me no matter what, then...

Should I kill Kai too... and risk having him stare at me with hateful eyes once again...?

Or should I just kill myself and leave him to live his life alone?

"Ruki... I need you too..." Akira said as he sobbed. 

''What a liar... I thought you have Kai...' I thought as I watched him cry...

It hurts me to see him cry...

I've been ignoring him for two weeks now...

I should come up  with a decision soon...


A/N: I've come up with two endings for this. You can proceed to either if you want. One is a good ending while the other one is bad. This was supposed to be a horror fic but it lost to the romance/fluff/angst stuffs on the way and I just can't find the heart to do more horrible things to Reita. Anyway, the bad ending shows its original gruesome side anyway [if ever]. Please do tell me what is better. It'll be up this week...

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