Blue Skies

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The sky was a pretty blue as Yavier glanced up at it. Yavier was a rather fine man, he had stubble growing around his jaw, and hair falling to his brow. He liked his ash brown hair longer in the front, his hair neatly cropped behind his ears and around his neck. His sword was strapped to his back as he walked along the neat dusty pathway. He walked besides a fair woman, his companion for this journey. He smiled at her as they walked. It seemed like a nearly harmless day.

Lilly was the love of his life. She and Yavier had spent many years together within the Enlightened Council's organization. While they came from two separate worlds, they both had been brought together by the most romantic thing of all, love and magic.

Some believe in destiny, others fate, and even a few more in chosen one's who would bring to past omens and prophecy. If there was ever a chosen on in Yavier's life, it had been this fair-haired blonde. Lilly had given Yavier everything he didn't even know he wanted. Life was dull, no, colorless without her. However, despite this bond, they could not marry or pursue a life of peace. Such things were forbidden by the Enlightened Council, and reasons for such where not often shared. 

The mixing of wizarding bloodlines within the organization was not always permitted, except in in rare cases. Yavier secretly hoped that brining in this "Demon" may be one of those exceptions. He had motive beyond heroics.

With both at each other's side, they both almost forgot for a moment why they had even left in the first place. The wizarding council was ruthless in whom they employed.  They had to be, otherwise rogue wizards could destroy the world as they knew it. That is where mage-hunters like Yavier came in. Someone had to take care of Lamethia, and who better than those who held the most power within its borders?

"Yavier?" Lilly asked, trying to keep with his stride.

His green eyes met her baby blues as he replied with a smile, "Yeah Lil?"

She moved her mouth as she winced, thinking for a moment before speaking, "How much longer do you think we need to walk?"

"We're almost there." He cackled, "For a mage, you are not very patient."

The young lass rolled her eyes, "Look, you're the best the council has to offer, and you can't even tract a simple KNOWN village?"

"How rude," Yavier smiled, he enjoyed the banter. It kept their travels somewhat entertaining.

They both paused as Yavier looked at Lilly, in front of them, just around the crossing was the town they had been searching for, Dusk Creek. Yavier got more serious as they began walking into the town. He ignored the signs and had his eyes glaze over the scenery of civilization.

"I don't sense him near." Lilly replied, half concerned.

"Well, this is where we picked up the portal. He's nearby." Yavier grimaced.

The town hustled and bustled with people, which didn't help Yavier at all. Even the small amount of noise from his chainmail and pauldrons were muffled over the crowd. He had picked a good spot, as always. This would mark seven months, yet the hunt continued.

"We should ask around maybe?" Lilly started as Yavier took two steps forward, "He's a hard guy to miss."

"Lilly stop," Yavier said softly, "Give me a second."

The young lass stayed quite as Yavier looked about. He checked his coin pouch, three coins left, just enough for an inn. It was enough for a room, but not to bribe the locals for information; if they would take his currency. He glanced back at Lilly, shaking his head. Lilly wasn't following, but apparently something wasn't going well.

Neither had enough time to think about it, let alone talk, as a man approached them. He was about the age of fifty, his eyes sunken in and he reeked of poverty. The man was yet wearing fine clothes, despite the dirt stains. His breathe stank of foul food as he spoke.

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