The Spire

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Yavier walked down the street passing by all the destruction. Jason had tried to convince him that they should stay and help, but Yavier had for obvious reason said no. They still needed to find Ralh, and they couldn't just stop at the spire for a day. It would take a few days before they could even begin to track down Ralh, they couldn't spend anymore time here. It was time to move on anyway. Whenever you have hunting parties after you, it's always best to leave until things calm down.

Lilly and Jason followed the mage hunter towards the town center. The building there was built with white marble, and fine stone. Yavier was welcomed as the guards stood aside. They walked through to speak to the councilor there.

"Ah, hello, more mages I presume?" The man inquired.

Yavier nodded, "Just need to get to the spire."

"Ah, good, well then." The man paused trying to find his barring, "Down there."

Yavier followed the man's finger down a hall way, nodding in thanks before departing.

Jason couldn't believe it. Everyone was pretty much just letting the mages get what they wanted here; it was as if things were always this way. Jason wondered it that was true. Was all Lamethia just one giant kingdom ruled by an elect few? The only thing that could confirm this was visiting the spire in person.

Lilly gripped Yavier's arm as he smiled down at her. He waved the port key over a wall in the building with a giant symbol on it. The bricks folded back until it revealed an archway with swirling energy.

"Is that safe to walk through?" Jason asked.

"Don't be a fright." Yavier laughed, "it's plenty safe."

Jason's body relaxed, "Okay then. Meet you on the other side!"

Jason leaped through the archway, curiosity taking over his thoughts. He was so curious about this "Spire" that he just had to know what it was really like. Conjecture and theory didn't do the real thing any justice.

Yavier and Lilly smiled at each other as they both walked through together. On the other side the spotted Jason curled up in a ball, cradling his knee.

"You could have told me, there wasn't going to be a drop!" Jason yelled.

"First time?" A woman's voice interrupted before Lilly or Yavier spoke.

A young elf walked by, her body positioned in a sassy position. He hair was an ash color, and her eyes were a unique blue. Here ears were the dead give away that she was an elf; but curled off to the side, instead of directly pointing up. She was quite fine. Jason could tell she was mocking him.

"Mitz." A voice boomed, "Come."

The elf glanced at Jason one last time before following the command, "Yes master."

The man who had called her name was intimidating. A thick greying beard sprouted from his chin, and his wide stature was nothing to ignore.

Yavier was surprised, "Wow, I wish you listened to me like that."

Lilly scowled at Yavier, "Are you okay Jason."

Jason waved Lilly off, embarrassed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just leave me alone."

Yavier watched the teen get up off the ground as Jason dusted his pants. Yavier gave Jason a pat on the back as they continued through the spire. A giant wall covered the circumference of the giant area. It was so large and long, you could see it curve out of distance. The ground was flat, and everything had a weird cold blue steel wash color to it. Buildings leaped into the sky, along with all sorts of magical wonders. Small radiant lights of energy floated all around this place keeping it well light. At the center of the circular area was a giant spire that seemed to touch a glowing orb of green energy above them. There was no sky at this place, only the green spirals the circled around the center orb. It produced some light of its own, but not so impressive as the floating energy lights.

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