Chapter 3

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Bulma Briefs never experienced a migraine like the one that bloomed inside her skull that afternoon. Sighing dramatically, she pulled her Maserati convertible up to the curb outside the county jail. Muscle memory dragged her hand from her lap to the glove compartment, searching for the good ol' pill bottle. Once discovered, she popped two ibuprofen down her throat and grimaced at the taste. Her ex and her childhood friend would show up soon enough. She knew this would be a long day filled with a lot of bullshit.

At the sound of sobbing, she whipped her head around to find the source. Goku and Vegeta walked side-by-side outside the lobby of the county jail entrance. Tears streamed down Goku's pale cheeks. Vegeta scowled, readjusting the…cat hat on his head. What the hell? Bulma thought. Goku's lips curled into a frown as he flung open her car door. Predictably, Vegeta didn't bother with the door and hopped into the front seat next to Bulma. She tilted her head at him, miffed he wouldn't even pretend to console Goku.

"You two sure know how to run me through the wringer," Bulma said. She put the car in drive and soon enough they sailed down the highway. "I'll have to say, I never knew you two were so adventurous." She winked at Vegeta, whose face flushed. "You'll have to show me what you did sometime, huh?"

"Ugh, as if!"

"What, perfect strangers get to see two guys go at it but I don't get the same luxury?"

Shy, Vegeta ran his index finger along the leather car door interior. "Hmph. I just had to teach some idiots at the supermarket a lesson."

Goku wailed from the back seat. "I knew it was a horrible idea! They didn't feed us at all in that jail place!"

Vegeta grinned. "I fed you well enough while we were in there."

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Stop being a pervert for one second and look in the glove compartment. I got a present for ya."

Curious, Vegeta opened the compartment. Stuffed inside sat two hats: one a simple black knit cap, the other…

"A fedora? Really, Bulma? Do you take me to be some kind of jackass?"

"Hey, don't knock the fedora. It's a hat for distinguished men, right?"

"You don't know anything." He tossed the kitty cat over his shoulder into the backseat with Goku. In vain he tried to pull the black knit cap over his shiny dome without much fanfare, but Bulma was snickering before he could finish.

She pointed at him like a kindergartner. "Oh my God! Ahaha! I thought the widow's peak was bad enough, but this is priceless!"

"I liked the kitty hat," Goku mumbled from the backseat.

PWEP! PWEP! The squeal of police sirens irritated Bulma's ears. FUCK! Are you serious? Right after we left the jail?!

Her freshly-painted nails cracked as she dug her fingers deep into the steering wheel. She pulled over to the shoulder of the highway. She turned to her side and screamed, "No funny business, you idiots!"

Vegeta and Goku's eyes widened. They both nodded in agreement.

In the rear view mirror she eyed the policeman as he parked his motorcycle a few yards behind her car. He strode toward the driver's seat. Already he was busy writing a ticket! Goddammit!

"Ma'am, you were driving pretty fast back there…"

"Krillin!" Bulma smiled at the cop. Krillin lifted his head up and stared into Bulma's brilliant smile.

"Oh, hey Bulma!" He chuckled. "What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, pretty wild, huh!" She took her hands off the steering wheel and relaxed into the driver's seat. Krillin's badge and uniform weren't as menacing as a few seconds ago. Thank Kami the cop was a friend!

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