Chapter 19

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Rough fingertips rubbed in circles between Goku's shoulder blades. The fresh, clean scent of Vegeta's hair filled his nose. Goku couldn't remember the last time a body felt so corporeal against him. If he listened closely, he could even hear the thrum of Vegeta's heart against his ribcage. Both their crying petered out at the same time. To Goku's delight, Vegeta's sighs morphed into soft purrs.

"Are you still in love with me, Vegeta?"

"You bastard. Of course I am."

Goku paused. He inhaled. It was faint, but it was there: the Prince had a new scent. It wasn't shampoo or cologne, or even the smell of another person. Whatever it was, it rattled Goku's senses to the point of dizziness. He wanted to roll around in it.

Time for an experiment. Nonchalantly, he licked a line up the side of Vegeta's neck. "You taste great!"

Vegeta pulled away. Redness surrounded his puffy eyes. "I missed you," he said. His voice quavered.

"I missed you too." Goku shifted his weight to his one good leg, then wrapped his arms around Vegeta's neck. He pressed his nose against Vegeta's; his lover's eyes crossed to stare back at him. "Yep. Still cute."

Vegeta kissed him full on the mouth. It'd been a year since Goku felt this warm. He moaned once Vegeta pulled away. "How'd you break your leg?"

They were so close, Goku could see the gentle bend in Vegeta's eyelashes. "I'll tell you later," he said, dragging them both into another kiss. The sensation of Vegeta's velvety tongue fighting against his own aroused a coil of pleasure that shot from his stomach down to his groin.

Vegeta broke the contact again. His lips curled into a beautiful smirk. Goku had missed Vegeta's bravado, which came so naturally to him. The Prince stared Goku down as if he owned him. "What am I supposed to do with you, Kakarot?"

"Whatever you want." Goku lacked the willpower to pry himself from Vegeta's body. He slid his hands down his muscled back, then squeezed his backside. "Goddamn, Vegeta."

"What?" Vegeta asked, voice muffled in Goku's neck.

"Your ass is fat."

Vegeta growled. "Don't make fun of me."

"Oh, no. There's nothing funny about this," he said, squeezing Vegeta's ass again for emphasis. "My goodness. I can't even fit one cheek in my hand anymore." He looked down at Vegeta with a humorless expression. "This calls for more investigation. You're going to sit on my face later, right?"

Vegeta looked aghast. "Kakarot! You—"

Marron interrupted them. "I thought I saw you across the room, Uncle!"

Goku grinned. "Ay, kiddo!" He pulled her into the best hug he could manage while balanced on one foot.

"I missed you!" She wrapped her thin arms around his waist. "What are you wearing? And when did you get here? I have so many questions!"

He scratched his head. "I just got here. I searched for Vegeta's ki and came hobbling through the front door." For the first time, he looked around the room. "Whose stuff is this anyway? I haven't had a chance to look around yet."

Marron glanced at Vegeta with a toothy grin. Goku witnessed the strange sight of all the color draining from his face. Huh? Did I say something wrong?

"Uncle Goku." Marron pressed her hands to her cheeks. The girl was about to explode. "I can't believe you don't know yet…"

"Should I know?" He looked past Vegeta's shoulder at the painting behind him. "What the—that's Krillin!" He limped toward the canvas. "Krillin getting stabbed by Frieza! This looks amazing, but how could someone know this happened?!"

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