Chapter 21

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Delirious joy. Vegeta concluded that was the best way to describe it.

Disconnected thoughts and sensations whizzed through his brain before fizzling away like a candle in the wind. Goku's hands were in his hair, on his face, then on his back. The words that spilled from his mate's mouth were nonsense, which Vegeta greedily stole from him with kisses.

My mate. Kakarot is now, and forever, Prince Vegeta's mate. A painful longing overcame him. On Planet Vegeta there would have been a ceremony.

Wide, obsidian eyes stared back at him, paired with an innocent smile. Tendrils of Goku's warmth enveloped him. Their emotions were eternally intertwined now, too. Without uttering a single word, Goku told him everything would be okay. That endless worry was no longer his cross to bear. Vegeta surrendered for the first time in his life and believed him.

It was hot and cold at the same time. How high in the air were they flying? Where were they?

Shit. The tattoos. As badly as he wanted to lose himself in all of the emotions and hormones, there was still the issue of the goddamn tattoos. "Kakarot?"

No response. He looked down and saw Goku's spiky head bob up and down in his lap. Oh. "As much as I want you to give me a blow job hundreds of feet in the air, we have more important things to do."


"Take my dick out of your mouth before you speak to me."

Goku obliged. "Vege-tah," he said, wet lips still hovering over the cock in his hand, "Ineed you."

"We have to turn around."

"Huh? Why's that?"

"We have to get to a tattoo parlor."

The rush of fear and adrenaline coursing through Vegeta's body shocked him. Their new emotional bond would take some getting used to. Before Goku spoke, Vegeta shook his head. "No, Kakarot. We have to do it."

Goku whipped out his legendary puppy dog eyes. "We can do it tomorrow!"

"No. It has to happen now. It's the official way of doing things."

"Let's have sex first?"

"Don't be a baby." Vegeta lifted Goku's head eye level. "We're going to spend the whole day having sex. You don't want this one thing hanging over your head the whole time. Right?"

Goku poked out his lower lip. "Right."

If Goku kept his eyes closed, it wouldn't be so bad. Right?

West City housed a plethora of tattoo parlors. Vegeta wasted time gauging which would be the best place to patron. By the time he started to pitch a fit about Yelp reviews of this one place compared to the other, Goku threw his hands in the air and convinced him the nearest shop would best suit their needs.

Goku didn't know what the hell was wrong with his body. But there was an internal timer ticking away that warned him if they didn't hurry up and get back to his house, he was going to embarrass them both in public. He even suggested they rent a hotel room to save on time. Vegeta yelled at him about not being treated like a cheap whore and hurried them both into the tattoo shop around the corner.

Designs and illustrations covered each wall. A long mirror sat propped beside a tattoo chair. A small table holding napkins, boxes of gloves, and bandages sat against the wall. The sharp smell of witch hazel and ink stung his nose. He didn't want to know where the needles were hiding.

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