Chapter 5

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Seeing was believing, so Vegeta had to get to a mirror. He skipped to the bathroom and stared at his head. It was nothing compared to his wild mane from before, but it was a good start. He ran his palms across the soft down on his scalp. It looked a bit like a buzz cut. Vegeta didn't think of himself as vain in terms of looks, but he couldn't ignore the pride swelling in his chest. He looked odd, but handsome. Yup, everything's coming up Vegeta! he thought.

"Kakarot, I think your dick is magic!"

Goku laughed and joined Vegeta in front of the mirror. "I don't think it is."

Vegeta stared at Goku intently. He grasped the back of his spiky head and jerked him closer. His tongue slid past Goku's lips and tasted the inside of his wet mouth. Goku groaned and mimicked Vegeta's ministrations. His thick fingers rubbed the texture of Vegeta's new hair.

Gently, Vegeta dipped his head into the kiss. Their heads moved in rhythm with one another in a slow dance. Vegeta was surprised at the perfect way Goku tasted. Goku's hand roamed across his naked shoulders and slid into the dip of his back. He froze.

"Eeew…" Goku pulled away. "I forgot I came on your back…"

"It's your jizz, you idiot! You put it there!" Vegeta turned on the shower and grumbled. He yanked the shower curtain open, stepped in, and slid it close hard enough for the curtain rings to clatter against one other.

"Aww, I'm sorry 'Geta." Vegeta stared at Goku's stupid silhouette from inside the shower. It got larger and larger, until Goku was climbing into the shower with him.

"Get out."

"Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to be mad at you, remember?" Goku laughed and let his eyes roam over Vegeta's body.

The Prince faced away from the water stream and let its high pressure clean away the mess on his back. Somehow the third-class always managed to humiliate him without even trying! He stared at Goku's smiling face and felt his irritation ebb away. Goku looked gorgeous with the shower steam rising up past his chest to leave small droplets in his hair. How was it so effortless for him? He looked so innocent and kind, too. Vegeta never experienced fawning over a pretty face until he met Goku. And he'd explored all corners of the universe before coming to Earth. It was strange, and honestly made him feel uncomfortable about himself. It felt like an aggressively feminine act.

"What are you thinking about?" Goku was touching him now.

"Your face."

"What about it?" He pulled Vegeta closer.


Goku smiled wider. "Thanks, Vegeta! You're pretty cute too." Goku pressed his hard-on against Vegeta's leg and the moment was ruined.

"You're like a machine today," Vegeta mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Goku said with a hint of sincerity, but it was too late. He was already pressing his hips against Vegeta. He locked both his hands around Vegeta's wrists and pressed him against the shower wall. Like instinct, Vegeta lifted his right leg and swung it around Goku's hip. With his thighs more open, Goku took advantage and rubbed his cock against Vegeta's. Vegeta threw his head back and let the hot water rush over their grinding bodies. Goku's rhythm against him was surprisingly sensual; he felt like Goku was dancing. Both their eyes were heavy-lidded as if in a trance.

All of the touching thrilled Vegeta. A fantasy sprung in his mind where Goku twirled him around and fucked his brains out in the shower. He blinked, surprised by the intrusive thought.

"You feel great," Goku whispered. He reached in between them, and Vegeta watched him grasp both their members. He jerked slowly so he didn't lose grip of their erections, but it was more than enough pressure. Vegeta thrust against Goku's wet palm and relished the sweet pleasure his fingers brought. All the steam surrounding them made him feel light-headed, and the jerking of his cock lit every nerve ending in his body on fire.

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