Chapter Four: Pinned

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Third Person:

Now that... that was over with Kirishima walked down the building halls. Making his way to a training room that had been made for training teaching interns or train small quirks, ones that didn't take lots of space.
With spare time the red haired hero decided to do some stretches and get warmed up.

After a few minutes a small group of young hero piled into the room. The five of them decided to follow along with Red Riot and start stretching. Not to long later Ground Zero walked in through the door, followed by Acttalot.
Meaning class could start.

"Alright newbies! Listen up and listen close because I don't like to repeat myself!", Bakugou shouted out. His voice was loud and commanding. It was powerful enough to make all the interns and the tough hero Red Riot stand in attention.
Then after brief instruction on how things will work, the real fun can begin.

"This is a defensive move for close range attacks. So pay attention or you interns won't have a clue of what you're doing.", He stated before turning to Kirishima, who would be his demonstration partner.

Kirishima just did his best to follow along and make sure that the students understood. However he didn't expect how rough Bakugou was going to be. He didn't think the explosive hero was going to use extra force when grabbing his arms and pinning him to the floor.

As the Interns paired up to start practicing the move Bakugou helped his boyfriend up.
Making sure to tell him quietly, " Trust me Shitty hair, we're only starting."

Leading Kirishima to thinking, "I'm going to be pinned to the floor a lot today..... I don't regret what I did."

Working with the small groups of future pros the two of them gave everyone different types of advice.
Fixing their stance or helping them down the movement faster and less rough.

Ground Zero brought everyone's attention back to him.
"Well, looks like you guys didn't screw it up. Then that means we can kick it up a level. Red Riot, try punching me in the face as hard as you can. Don't hold back.", he continued with the lesson.

All the Interns and even Kirishima was a little shocked. Like everyone knows he does crazy things but, how does he ask such questions so calmly???
"We don't have all day!", he shouted. snapping them back.

Activating his quirk in right arm, he swung as hard as he could manage. He even closed his eyes to stop him from hesitation.

But it wouldn't matter. Bakugou had ducked and wrapped his arms around Kirishima's waist, and not in the romantic way. More like a wrestler does before suplexing their opponent into the floor...
Which is exactly what happened.

This was going to be a looooong class...

It repeated for a bit with Bakugou teaching explaining the move, demonstrating it with Kirishima as his opponent and then ended with Kirishima pinned and/or slammed to the floor.

By the end of class both the Interns and Kirishima were completely out of breath and exhausted beyond belief. But what would you expect from people being flipped and taken down several times over?

Well except for Bakugou who was somehow perfectly fine.
"Alright that's it for today. Now get lost!", he dismissed the class of worn out interns.
Each of the interns scurried out of the room and went on with their normal day which included assisting or patrolling with the other pro heroes in the building. Including Acttalot who went to work with Scansheet.

As the Interns disappeared from the room Ground Zero turned to his boyfriend. He spoke up," As for you Red Riot, you'll be coming back with me to my office. I'm not done with you just yet."

In a teasing matter, because even after all these years Kirishima hasn't learned, he asked," Oh? And what will we be doing in your office~"

"Work.", Bakugou replied in a strict and monotone voice. He wasn't going to feed into Kirishima's teasing no longer. Or at least for now. ;3

"Darn.", He moped. disappointed to not make Bakugou flustered again, also that he wasn't keen on doing any paper work and such. But, he did look to the bright side of things," Okay then, let's go!"

Kirishima was gladly dragged along back to Ground Zero's office. However, it was just going to be them planning out their schedule for the next two weeks and how they'll be approaching this whole villainy gang fiasco.
So it wasn't really just paper work.

"I want tho stick to this area in particular. Using all the information we have now it's got to be the place to look and protect.", Ground Zero explained to his partner, circling an specific area on a map. Around the map were different color tacks and such.
It was apparent that Ground Zero does not play around. Even for the small stuff like this.

"I mean supposing theyaren't a major threat they could just be in the center of it all. But I guess that would be too easy...", Red Riot was doing his best to keep up. He was good at strategies but sometimes he doesn't think outside the box.

Ground Zero dug through a small box and spoke," Yeah, it would be too easy. Villains now are either stupid and get caught the first day they appear. Or they're elite, and have made their way through the systems that have improved ten folds."
He revealed a shiny dark red tack and kept it stuck in a cork next to the map.
"If they were just second rate extras someone would've taken them out by now. They've got something bigger in store, I can tell..."

Red Riot placed his hand on Ground Zero's shoulder gently," Well Ground Zero, whatever they have and whoever is there we'll crush them. And we'll do it together!"

Time passed and before they knew it the work day was over, at least in the building and in costume. So an Kirishima, exhausted from everything that happened and Bakugou, who had a major headache, went home. 

But I'll tell you someone got a chance to pin someone else when they got home. Only, I'll leave you to wonder about it...


Oof, hey Francis V.S. here.

Just a reminder. Despite that last sentence this is still a fluff book. I just really enjoy dirty jokes. So basically basically all the Sexual jokes are gonna stay jokes. Sorry :P you can still imagine all those dirty jokes tho, I can't stop you. 

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