My confession

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Claudee POV

Tanpa Michael ketahui, Luke baru saja menghubungi gue dan meminta gue untuk bertemu dengannya. Katanya sih, ada hal penting yang pengen diomongin. Gue gak tau apa dan yang jelas, gue penasaran. Gue awalnya meminta Luke untuk mengajak Michael juga. Tapi katanya dia cuma perlu ngomong sama

So yeah, sekarang gue bingung gimana izin perginya. Pasti Michael gak ngebolehin gue untuk pergi sendirian.


"Babe, management just called me. And they want me to meet them this afternoon. I'm sorry but you're not allowed to go with me." Ucap Michael. Kebetulan yang sangat pas!

"Oh i see.. it's okay. It's fine. You can go, everything is gonna be alright" ucap gue sambil mengelus rambutnya

"Is it okay if  you're home alone?"

"It's okay, Michael. I can take care of myself. Don't be worry about me"

"Of course i'm worry about you. You're my responsibility"


"I'm blushing mr. Clifford" ucap gue dan dia mengecup kening gue. Blushing.

"You should get ready Mike. I'll prepare your outfit"

"Thank you mrs. Clifford"

"Mrs. Clifford huh?? Hahaha"

"Well, yeah. Don't you remember that all of your social media username is Claudeekittenclifford?"

"Hahahaha, you're right"

Michael sudah pergi menuju kantor management, sementara gue menunggu Luke datang kerumah 5sos ini. Katanya supaya gak ada paparazi yang bakal memfoto kami.

Luke pun datang lalu diajaknya gue ke ruangan yang baru gue ketahui saat ini. Katanya, ini adalah tempat dimana 5sos membicarakan hal hal berbau rahasia.

Kami pun masuk kedalamnya, lalu Luke mulai pembicaraan.

"You know about me and Sierra, right?"

"Yeah, you guys been dating as i know from the media."

"As you know from the media. But you must be curious about the real fact, aren't you?"

"I don't know. Perhaps i wanna know about that but i don't think it's necessary"

"But i'm gonna tell you anyway"


"So, i'm not dating with her. It's just fakelationship. Management want us to act like we're a couple"

"I knew it. Since you act so weird, and the Lierra theories that i read kinda make sense for me"

"Lierra theory?"

"Yah, there's so many theories that talk about Lierra fakelationship"

"Oh i see.. And you know what? the fact is.." ucap Luke menggantung


"i'm so in love with you from the beginning" ucap Luke yang membuat gue sedikit kaget. Gue pun memutar bolamata gue malas.

"But you already know about me and Michael"

"Claudee, Why Won't You Love Me??"

"Oh my goodness. Luke, i love you as a fan love her idol."

"But i love you more than an idol love his fans. And how about Michael? Do you really in love with him as a grow up girl love a grow up boy? Or you just love him as a fan love her idol but you didn't notice it?!"

Interview // MGC LRH // [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang