Claudee Elizabeth, seorang gadis beruntung karena memiliki kesempatan untuk meng interview idola nya, 5 seconds of summer
"Thank God.. akhirnya gue bisa ngobrol secara langsung sama 5sos" -Claudee Elizabeth
"She's so gorgeous, dude" -Michael Clif...
Michael dan Claudee sedang berada di ruang meeting yang berada di kantor Modest! Management. Ada pula Nadine- manager baru Claudee.
"So, you guys aren't dating anymore, huh?" ucap Christian, namun tak ada yang menjawab
"but i think you guys are remember our deal. Claudee have to publish your relationship and let people know about your relationnship. So Claudee and Michael, you guys shouldn't be breaking up."
"at least, don't let people know that you guys are breaking up. you can be a stranger to a stranger behind the medias, and behind the fans. but a couple in front of th medias and the fans. You can call it Fakelationship. just like Luke and Sierra."
"Michael and Claudee, since you guys went to the beach and you were arguing there, people make assumption that you guys are breaking up. people are making a hot tea about your relationship. to cover up that news, i want you guys to have a vacation. you dicide wherever you wanna go."
"What?! No, I can't. I have to go to collage" ucap Claudee
"Or, your career and Michael's career would be-"
"Fine!! Just tell my manager what should i do during the vacation. Excuse me" ucap Claudee lalu ia berlari keluar ruangan.
Michael pun menyusul Claudee keluar ruangan. Ia mencari cari Claudee dan akhirnya menemukan Claudee yang sedang menekuk kakinya lalu mengumpatkan mukanya diatas lututnya. Claudee menangis.
Michael pun menghamipi Claudee lalu ikut duduk disamping Claudee. Ia mengelus bahu Claudee pelan untuk menenangkannya.
"If you don't wanna do this, that's ok Claudee."
"I'm fine, Mike. Your career is all I'm thinking about. He would do anything that will broke your reputation. He could be publish the picture of the groupies, or whatever. Your career and your reputation is above everything, Mike"
"No, Claudee. You are above everything, for me. If you can't do this, that's ok. I can handle it. Probably he will kick me out of 5sos. But it's ok"
"Woah... chill, Claudee"
"No way, 5SOS wouldn't be complete if you aren't there"
"Just let's do this fakelationship. Let's get some vacation together" ucap Claudee.
Fakelationship. Michael berharap Claudee menyebutnya Relationship. Bukan Fakelationship. Huuffttt... entah apa yang dipikirkan kedua manusia ini sampai sampai mereka mengutamakan gengsi nya dibandingkan perasaan mereka yang sebenarnya.
Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
And a year ago, today they got engaged. Yeaahh..
Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.