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He pulled out the small book. "Malay," he said. "I'm Malay, on your side."

The Japanese man shoved Ali to the ground.

"You're wearing the Chinese uniform," The man replied in Malay.

"They captured me," Ali explained.

The man slapped him and took his passport. As he inspected it, his expression softened from the austere glare.

"Poor boy. Captured by a Chinese and British syndicate?"

"Yes, it was terrible."

"Who captured you, as you said?" The Imperial asked.

"It was him. The one with light hair, on the end." He pointed.

"Is this death too merciful? "

"Yes. Can I take him beneath the bridge?"

"If that's where you like, go ahead. But before you do..." The man pulled his own passport from his pocket. "Can you read this for me?"

Ali struggled to hide his shock. As a farmer, he'd never gone to school. Never learned to read. In Malaysia, schooling had been mandatory for his age. What could it say?

"It says..." He remembered the writing on his passport. The order of the letters.

The lines jumbled in front of him.

"Japan," he said finally. "Citizen of Japan."

"Good," the man said, and turned to another soldier to order something in Japanese.

The Japanese man next to him rushed to the group. He undid the wire around Amadi's hands and pulled him to Ali. When Amadi finally reached the men, Ali took his arm and shoved him towards the riverbank.

The mud was a cool escape from the scorching heat of the rising sun.

Ali carefully made his way down and solemnly stared at the river.

Hundreds of men could be dead down there.

Ivan looked at Ali with a scrutinizing gaze.

Ali pointed at his hair. "Malay," he said. His lips twitched. He turned back to the water.

"Malay," Ivan skeptically repeated. Then why did he fight for the Chinese?

"What to do?" Ali asked.

"I'm not sure," Ivan admitted. He kept his gaze fixed on the stranger before him. "Do they trust you? What do they think of -"

"Slow," Ali echoed it with a motion with his hands.

"Okay. Trust?"

"Yes," Ali replied.


"They think I hurting you," Ali cocked his head towards the Imperials.

"They think you - Ah. Give me a bruise then," Ivan pointed to his cheekbone. Ali shook his head.

"No. You hide. Stay."

"But -"

"They make bad plans for enemy," Ali slid his forefinger across his throat.

"Okay. I'll stay here. Right in these bushes, I guess... How long am I here for?"

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