Chapter 11

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Today was the big day, the day of the interviews. I was very nervous because I had trouble with public speaking but I planned to keep it short and hoped that would save me. And because I had little idea on what to say to the crowd to change their minds about the games. I just knew I had to cry.

I was pacing lightly, trying not to think about the fact that I was about to go on the stage. Johanna was behind me complaining loudly and snapping at her stylist.

My own stylist had dressed me in a deep green, flowing, dress with a thick piece of fishing net rope tied around the waist. It was pretty enough but was simple and lacked flair. Finnicks stylist Caspia had him in a loose white shirt and black pants, it gave him an almost pirate look.

As Caesar was wrapping up the interview with Beetee I started to grow more nervous. It was almost my turn.

My thoughts were interrupted when everyone went quiet as Katniss walked in with a white floor length wedding dress. Everyone stared open mouthed at her. She looked sheepish and a little confused.

"I can't believe Cinna put you in that!" Finnick said. I elbowed him lightly in the ribs for being rude. "Snow made me wear it." She said getting defensive.

"You look stunning Katniss." I complimented, giving her a smile.

"Next up we have Beck Delmare! The female beauty from district four. Beck, why don't you come on out for us?" Caesar yelled sounding excited. I stiffened and froze in place.

Finnick nudged me, when I still didn't move. He grabbed my hands and looked at me square in the face. "You can do this, just breathe." He kissed my hand lightly, which sent my stomach on a wild rollercoaster.

With that motivation I was able to turn towards the curtain. I stepped onto the stage and walked briskly to Flickerman. He smiled so huge I was sure he was on some type of drug. "Beck my dear! How are you?" He exclaimed.

"I'm well, and you?" I asked politely as I sat down.

"Oh I'm wonderful! But let's get to the good stuff. It been rumored that you and your fellow district mate, Finnick O'dair have something going on between you two. Something romantic perhaps? Is this true?" He asked leaning in to hear my answer.

"Uh no." I blurted, "we are just very close friends. I know his true love is here in the capital and I could never compete with her." I lied.

"A secret love in the capitol? Oh, we must know who!" Flickerman all but yelled. "Sorry Caesar, I'm sworn to secrecy. Nothing is going to pass these lips." I said giggling nervously.

"Oh well, we will just have to ask Mr. Odair. So Beck, you volunteered for the games. Tell us why you did it and what it felt like." He asked.

"Well, Mags Flanagan, the lady I took the place of, is really my family. She's always taken care of my mom and me. Her whole family has looked after most of the people in district four since I can remember, but especially my mom and me. We've been left on our own since I was young and I might not be alive without Mags kindness. I knew I had to pay her back."

I turned to the camera, "Mags, if you are watching this know that me and Finnick love you so much and that it's going to be alright. And mom... I love you beyond words, always know that and never doubt it. Stay safe." I said pretending to make my voice crack and to wipe away a few tears, just like I had practiced. This was my emotional stab to the capital citizens.

Caesar looked at me sympathetically at me for a second or two. "Oh I'm so sorry Caesar, I promised myself I wouldn't cry." I said laughing bitterly and fanning my face, pretending to dry my tears.

"Oh it's alright dear. This is a safe space. We won't hold it against you. Thank you so much dear, let's move on to our next victor, Finnick Odair!" He said back to the usual up-beat Caesar. I stood to join the rest of the tributes on the back stage.

I watched Finnicks interview. It was interesting. He turned down rumors of who he loved and he said it was top secret.

He started reciting a poem to his "lover". I couldn't figure out if it was for someone or for the cameras. It went like this, "My love, you have my heart for all eternity. And If I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips." The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Everyone thought it was about them and some women started fainting.

I could feel a few victors beside me turn to gauge my emotions but I stayed solemn in my expression. Finnick came to stand on the raised platform, He flashed a grin briefly at me before turning back to the crowd.

In the next 45 mins or so we watched Johanna scream at Snow and the games. And then saw Katniss turn into a mocking jay. But the real show stopper was Peeta's performance.

"I'm not glad. I wish we had waited until the whole thing was done officially." Peeta explained, talking about his unofficial marriage to Katniss.

Caesar looked stunned, "Surely even a brief time is better than no time." He argued.

"Maybe I'd think that too, Caesar, if it weren't for the baby."

The whole crowd is completely silent for a few seconds. Processing this new information. Surely this must be fake. It has to be. Katniss looks just as shocked as the rest of us.

Like a wave, the surprise wears off and the people start protesting and yelling. Caesar made a few lame attempts to calm the crowd as Peeta joined us on stage. I saw Peeta hold Katniss's' hand as she joined chaff's and he joined seeders. This followed along the line until every one was clasping hands.

The crowd went ballistic.

The whole room went dark and people started screaming. The anthem was blasting in our ears way to loudly. Finnick held my hand as we stumbled from the platform. I tripped clumsily around until we were off the stage and could see again.

Johanna joined us in our run away from the action. We saw Peeta and katniss jumping in the elevator ahead of us. I picked up my pace when I noticed the doors closing.

I was stopped by a peace keeper with a stern look on his face. "We are to escort you to your rooms." He said darkly.

"I know the way. I can take myself." I said shaking of his grip on my shoulder. He glared at me and grabbed my wrist instead. "Orders are orders Miss. Delmare. Everyone is to be escorted."

He herded us to a different elevator where we boarded and rode to level four.

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