the move

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The next morning i was awoken by my mom shaking my shoulder. "What?" I managed to say tiredly. "Get up. We gotta plane to catch." She paused "Remember?" That's when i opened my eyes, i thought i had dreamt it all but it was real all right. Very. Much. Real. After getting up and brushing my teeth quickly i grabbed my bags and boxes and started to load them into the Uber. We didn't have much stuff since we lived in a one bedroom apt. so it was quick.
"You excited?" My mom asked in the Uber at a stoplight. "Umm..yea. I am actually." My mom smiled and glanced at me "I'm glad. But, you see with this job offer and everything i'm gonna be gone more often than usual." I nodded my head " I know ma. I'll be fine. And at least your getting a better job out of this." Truth be told, i was used to it. My mom had always been gone for work. I wouldn't say i don't care it just never really affected me like it would any other. I liked being alone. Sometimes.

*plane ride

I listened to music the whole time. My mom fell asleep. Ofc. And per usual i just couldn't sleep. I just shut my eyes. And right when i started drifting off i heard a voice on the intercom.
   "Attention all passengers we will be landing in approximately 15-20 minutes so sit tight."
  "Really?! Right when I'm starting to fall asleep." I say aloud. Maybe a little too loud cause i hear someone giggle. It sounded so familiar. I recognized that laugh. I just couldn't make out who it belonged to.

*at the airport*

After my mom and i gathered our things we sat outside the airport waiting on our Uber. As we were waiting i saw this guy around 5'4 with curly hair walk over to another Uber and get in. ''Lucky' i thought. At least they were getting to where they wanted to be.

*at the new house*

After getting everything but my room unpacked and situated i went up to my room to start unpacking and decorating. Mid way through putting my clothes into my drawers my mom walked in. She sighed "Faith-" i already knew where this was going. I cut her off. "Ik it's fine. Just go." She sorta frowned "okay. I love you. See you soon."
"Love you too." I said quietly

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