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Nothing could ever keep us apart.

At least that's what i thought...

In the morning i wake up and Diego is still on the couch. I get off of him and go brush my teeth. I start to cook us breakfast : pancakes. And then he wakes up. He goes to brush his teeth and then goes inside the kitchen. He's shirtless. Oof. And he comes and gives me a kiss on the head "Goodmorning princesa." I smile at him and say goodmorning back.

After we get done eating and I clean up i get a phone call. It's my tour manager. (I'm an influencer like Diego)

Me: hello?

Them: hello. Yes faith , we were wondering if you'd like to go on tour?

Me: what? Are you kidding? I say excited i would love to!

Them: that's great. We're still getting everything sorted out but when we figure out the date it'll start we'll call you.

Me: oh my gosh. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Them: it's no trouble at all.

Me: oh wait. I have one question. I say thinking about Diego

Them: sure thing. What is it?

Me: would it be okay if Diego went with us on tour?

Them: Diego martir?

Me: yes.

Them: ermm..i don't know. I'd have to get approval from the tour manager first.

Me: I'm not going if he doesn't get to come.

Them: okayy. I'll see what i can work out.

Me: alright. Thank you.

Them: of course. And we'll let you know.

Me: alright.

After hanging up i contemplate on whether i should tell Diego or not. Nothing was for sure yet.

I tell him anyway. I didn't want to keep it from him.

"Baby?" I say "hmm?" He replies back.

"Um..i might be going on tour." I say still not believing it myself.

"What?" He says excitedly "really?"

I smile happy that he's happy "Yes. I told them i wouldn't go if you couldn't though."

He frowns at me "what?" I ask concerned.

"Why did you do that? This is about you not me. This is such a great opportunity." He says.

"I know baby. But it's fine. I don't want to be separated from you. Especially for THAT long." I tell him.

He sighs "Your so stubborn." I laugh "butttt" he continues "i love you."

I give him a kiss "i love you too."

"Do you know when your going to go?" He asks.

"When WE are going to go." I correct him. "They don't have the dates yet."

He laughs "okayy."

A few hours laterrrrr:

I'm done getting ready. This is what im wearing.

I take some pictures and then go downstairs with Diego and chill

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I take some pictures and then go downstairs with Diego and chill.

Then i get a text message them(tour manager) : tour starts next week and we'll be on tour for a month.

Me: okay. I'll discuss things with Diego and get back with you.


"Yessss?" He said.

"Tour starts next week. And its for a month."

He sighs "damn."

"What? What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"I can't do it." He says bluntly.

"What do you mean 'you can't do it' ?  I Ask confused

"I have meetings with my merch company all next week and I'll have more and more within the next few months." He says.

I sigh "Damn. Okay I'll tell them we can't do it." I say.

"No." Diego replies.

"What do you mean 'no'? I say laughing.

"You have to do it. This is such a great opportunity. I won't let you pass it up." He says.

I sigh "but i don't want to do it without YOU."

"I know mamas" he says "but you have to."

"Okayyyy." I say still unsure. "I'll do it."

I text them telling them i could do it but Diego wouldn't be able to. They were happy i could , but upset Diego wouldn't be able to join.

"Alrighttt." I say "looks like we're going to be seperated." I say sadly.

"It's okay mamas." Diego says "The month will go by so quick by the time you know it tours over."

I hope so i think to myself.

I hope so...

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