Chapter 34: Love Me

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Jeremy POV 

"Happy birthday Uncle Josh!!" Cheered Allison as she entered the bedroom in my house when I woke up in the morning. "Put the books away for 5 minutes please?" She asked and I sat up rubbing my eyes putting the book that was on my chest on the desk.

"Happy now?" I asked and she nodded walking into the room with a box wrapped in paper. "I'm not a birthday person"

"Well you are now Josh so suck it up" Said Lydia walking into the room as well with Chris following behind her. "Happy birthday" she said handing me a card. "Now you can do research as much as you like today but tonight you have birthday plans you will not miss okay?"

"Birthdays are pointless" I told her and she raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "But I'll be there" I told her and she smiled happily. "Now cake me"

"That's all you care about isn't it?"

"It's the only day of the year I can eat cake for breakfast without being judged, yes it's all I care about"


Lydia POV 

"I need to talk and I need you to not ask questions until I'm done" I Said as me and Allison waited downstairs in Joshs house. "So there's this guy and he's confusing and an asshole but he's smart and he can care but not about the wider population just those he's close to and he's confusing and there's things about him that don't make sense and I need help" I whined. 

"Are you talking about my uncle Josh?" She asked and I looked up at her from where my head was resting against my folded arms nodding. "Yeah my uncles confusing but I can see he cares about us all" she told me and I nodded. "Does this have something to do with those mysterious birthday plans he has tonight?"

"So I made reservations for that Italian place" I admitted and she smiled at me. "Your not mad?"

"No look I guess I can't atop you even if it would make me uncomfortable for a little while to begin with" she told me and I smiled and hugged her. 

"I have to go somewhere but you guys just uh do whatever it is girls do whilst in their uncles house" he said before awkwardly leaving, a few seconds later we heard he doorbopen and close. 

"Want to snoop? Figure out all his dirty secrets?" Allison asked with a laugh and I sighed. 

"Wish we could but if your forgetting we have a friend that's currently possessed"

"True, let's hit the books"


Jeremy POV 

"I'll help kill this thing if you want?" Damon offered as I was on the phone. Elena found out it was my birthday by some mysterious force, my guess is Caroline talked to Chris before she left. 

"Can't kill the kid it's in but I'll make sure to call if I want someone dead, Although not like the Sheriff would arrest me" I muttered and I heard Damon laugh. "What?"

"These towns are like parallel in their crazy" he laughed and I heard the sound of a slap. 

"Hey you guys create your crazy, crazy is just drawn here" I argued. "Anyway any research or whatever you guys could do would help"

"Well start looking, and Jer?" She said and I 'hmmm'd in acknowledgment. "Happy birthday"

"Yeah whatever research my minion" I told her before hanging up the phone. "Stiles is lost in the mind what could bring him back and how?" I missed to myself as I pulled up to the store I was wanting. Going inside I saw what I'd been hoping I would find after much searching. "Don't judge me" I told the cashier and she was quick to scan the product. "Hello my old friend" I said as I botched an arrow. I'd gone to a sports store yes, apparently it wasn't common for people to buy archery equipment. Putting everything away I got back into the car and drove back home. Getting the stuff from the trunk I walked into my house and saw Allison and Lydia going through stuff I remember being in my bedroom. "I'm just going to uh yeah"

"Sorry" Shouted Lydia behind us. "Where did you go?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen behind me. "Or is it private and this is something mysterious that we can't know about?"

"Nothing much just some moulds for some arrow heads" I told her taking out the bow and the moulds. "Just need to get some stuff from Christopher" I Said and she seemed confused. 

"You shoot?" I heard Allison ask from the doorway and I nodded. "I didn't know, how long have you been shooting for?"

"I e always known how to shoot" I told her. "Just I prefer other methods, my favourite would be my sword"

"You own a sword?" Lydia asked confused and disturbed and I nodded. "Why?"

"It's an antique, 1000 years old and very important to a race of supernatural creatures" 


"Maybe I'll show you it someday"

"I've seen it"

"That's not my favourite one, that's my practical one"

"How many do you own? Actually I don't want to know" 

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