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The two males finish their drinks, returning the plates to the counter when finished and proceeded to leave the cafe. Both of the boys walked home peacefully enjoying the light breeze that was hitting them and the sound of the leaves swaying above them.

Once jisung and chenle made it home they entered the living room and turned on the decently large tv. "Hey i'm gonna get some snacks." chenle said as he stood up and took his leave from the room to enter the kitchen. Jisung just nodded in return to chenle and watched as he walked out of the room.

With chenle taking longer than expected, jisung started to feel sleepy and fell asleep on the couch. Jisungs large body spread across the whole furniture piece leaving no room for chenle when he got back.

Chenle walked back into the living room with a bucket of popcorn in his hands and one of the butter pieces in his mouth. The brown haired boy saw jisung asleep on the couch and sighed with a small smile. "He could have left some room" chenle said as he placed the bucket of popcorn on the coffee table and walked over to jisung. Chenle places his hands under the boy trying to get him off the couch without waking him up.

Once chenle successfully got jisung off the couch, chenle wrapped the boys legs around his own waist and held jisung like a baby that was going to burp. Chenle carried jisung all the way up the stairs with a struggle because he was so big.

Jisung's head rested in the crook of chenle's neck. Chenle could feel jisung breathing on his neck the whole time but what surprised the brown haired male was when he felt a pair of lips on his neck. The older male almost screamed but placed jisung on his bed as fast as possible running into the bathroom.

On the other hand jisung still thought he was dreaming. The younger had slightly woken up but still dazy, he had seen chenle and felt safe. While admiring chenle for a while he moved closer and kissed the boy. Jisung felt the boy freeze but smiled softly as he drifted back to sleep in chenle's arms unaware that he was actually awake the entire time.

The one thing chenle didn't hear when he ran out of the room, heart racing fast, was when jisung whispered his name. Chenle had just immediately ran off into the bathroom to calm his booming heart and to get rid of the dark blush that had made it's way to chenle's cheeks. Chenle felt something in his stomach when jisung had kissed his neck and its still there giving him tingles, he wasn't a fan of the feeling.

Once chenle entered the bathroom he looked at his red face in the mirror a frowned. Water splashed on his face as an attempt to get rid of the redness. Chenle slapped his own face lightly while saying, "come on, snap out of it idiot." The blush started to go and chenle's heart had started to go back to normal speed. A sigh of relief left chenle's lips as he started breathing heavily.

Chenle had then walked out of the bathroom, fixing his clothing a little as he was feeling uncomfortable, and sat in his room. Chenle got his phone out and started opening up a game to play to waste his time.

A few hours had passed since jisung fell asleep and the yelling started.

this shits kinda short but i needed to put the next chapter as one alright

this shits kinda short but i needed to put the next chapter as one alright

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