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The moon light shined through the open curtains as a certain blue haired male looked around the dark room. It was currently god know what time into the night and jisung had found himself wide awake.

The young boy was laid on the ground awake looking up onto the bed where chenle lied. Jisung admired how chenle's hand fell out off one side of the bed when he slept and how a pout was on his face through the whole night.

Jisung didn't know what attracted him but somethings made jisung stand up from the mattress he had been given on the floor and climb into chenle's bed. Jisung moved chenle's hand into the bed and snuggled close to chenle making both of them feel warm. Jisung closed his eyes and smiled. This was what he needed to sleep, to be able to hold something he loved. The blue haired boy fell asleep snuggling onto chenle in the said boy's bed.

The morning arrived and chenle was starting to wake up. Chenle felt that his bed was a bit harder than usual but it was a comfortable hard he snuggling in more to his so thought bed and slowly opened his eyes.

Once chenle could finally see he had realised the hard thing wasn't his bed but it was jisung's chest. Chenle's eyes widened at how his own arm was around jisung holding him and how jisung's arm was holding chenle close on his back.

At first chenle felt shock and was terrified of how the two of them even got into this situation but the warmth sucked him in. Chenle smiled softly as he looked at jisung's sleeping face and leaned back into hugging jisung. "I could get used to this." the older boy whispered as he fell asleep again in jisung's arms.

An hour or so flew by, chenle was still resting but jisung had woken up. Jisung smiled at how he was still holding chenle. The smile stayed on his lips as he admired chenle's cute little features. Jisung really wanted to boop chenle's nose and give him a kiss on the cheek but chenle wouldn't allow him every time he tried.

Chenle slowly started groaning and stretching slightly as he still had his arm around jisung. Chenle snuggled closer to jisung, like that was even possible, and whispered, "maybe he is cute."

Jisung not being able to read simple signs simply spoke out and asked, "who's cute?"

This causes chenle to go into panic. Chenle tries to push jisung off the bed but the boy was too stable that chenle himself fell off the bed onto the floor. Jisung quickly gets up to crawl over the bed to check if chenle was alright, "hey are you okay?" jisung asks as he watches chenle rub his sore butt.

"Yeah i'm fine." chenle answers groaning. "Hey, why the hell were you in my bed?" chenle quickly questions as if he didn't just fall off the mattress.

"Who's cute again?" jisung asks back.

Chenle started blushing slightly but remained stable enough to shyly say, "answer my question first you smurf."

Jisung laughed lightly and continued to argue with the older, "i asked who was cuter first i think you should answer my question before i answer yours." jisung said playfully.

"B-but my question is more important." chenle stuttered out.

Jisung was about to move closer to chenle but chenle's mother walked into the room. She saw how jisung was at the edge of the bed looking at the blushing boy who was sat messily on the carpet floor.

With a slight shake of her head chenles mother tells the boys, "its christmas eve, get up and eat."

Chenle sighed in relief and got up as quick as possible to run downstairs to eat. But of course he didn't forget to give his mother a little kiss on the cheek and say good morning to her. Jisung just followed chenle downstairs to the plate of pancakes on the table.

The two boys ate the flat cakes at their own pace, playing around with each other as they ate. Giggles filled the room and a smile was on chenle's mother's face as she watched her son and jisung laugh with each other like best friends should.

This christmas eve for the boys was spent lazing around as well as playing all of the games chenle had. The switch chenle owned took great interest in jisung. The two played mario kart for hours on that small device, it ended with jisung winning most of the rounds even though he had never really played before.

Not to mention jisung attempting to flirt with chenle through the rounds saying, "if i win can i get a kiss?" chenle would blush but deny to doing the punishment. The two continued to play games through the whole day and into the night.

wow i reread this like it wasn't my own piece, pretty inch resting

wow i reread this like it wasn't my own piece, pretty inch resting

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