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Screaming ran through the house which sparked at jisung. The boy was finally waking up properly from the loud eruption of noise. With a grown the younger boy sat up on the bed still looking tired.

"Chenle, who's yelling?" jisung asks as he rubbing his eyes with a pout.
Chenle looked at jisung and found the boy in his oversized sweater adorable, "it's my parents they do this every night, ever since my mum saw my dad kiss another woman. I hate it, them screaming, it really hurts me." chenle said as his eyes wavered from jisung to the floor.

Jisung looks at how chenle's eyes fell as he answered his question. Jisung humed once chenle answered him and then almost immediately stood up and started walking downstairs. Chenle watches as jisung gets up and starts walking. Panic covers the boy, chenle jumps up and rushes after jisung trying to pull him back and stop him from going downstairs.

Jisung ignores chenle's tugging at his shirt and continues to make his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Unlike chenle who always watches through the cap in between the door, jisung straight up opens the door as wide as it can go and walks into the room with a small brown haired boy trying his hardest to pull him back.

Chenle's parents both stopped arguing once the door opened. The two adults looked dumbfounded when they saw this new boy in their house and even better walking in on their argument.

"Chenle honey who's this?" chenle's mother asks as she watches chenle let go of jisung's shirt.

"Uh, he's" chenle started saying but got cut off by jisung himself.

"You two know how annoying this yelling is?" jisung asks sternly at the two adults. "I was trying to get some sleep but couldn't even do that with you two screaming the whole house out." jisung looks at the adults for guilt or sorrowness. "Do you two know how much your fighting is affecting your son? Do you two know how much he hates the both of you fighting? Your own son hates his life because of you two, he just wants it to be like when you guys were a happy family." jisung lectures the adults and watches as they both look down in shame. "I know you all can continue to be a family, and a happy one at that. The both of you still love each other, if you didn't then why would you still be married, you'd be divorced by now, and even with you two fighting shows you still care for each other and that shows your love. So why can't you two make up and stop fighting like this? It's not only destroying your family but it's hurting your own son." jisung says with anger in his tone.

Chenle find his eyes tearing up as he watches how jisung talks to his parents, "There's still love?" chenle whispers to himself still watching the three others in front of him.

Chenle's dad seems angry as he looks at jisung and asks, "how would you know?"

Jisung looks at the father fiercely before answering him, "i might not know where i'm from or what my purpose here is but i do know that you two still love each other. Now stop this stupid hate and makeup, commit to your relationship."

Chenle's parents both look at the blue haired boy in shock almost going to start and protest but the two saw chenle behind jisung, they both looked at each other their hearts hurting.

Chenle watched his parents eyes and tugged at jisung, "i think it's time to go." chenle said.

"No," chenle was stopped by his father's voice, "the boy's right." chenle's father slowly grabbed chenle's mother's hand and spoke to her softly. "Xiuying, i still love you can you let go of what you saw that day, the woman lept onto me and i feel so much guilt from that day, please just accept me again and let us live happily once more."

Chenle's father watched as his wife's eyes teared up, "wei i love you too but i dont know if i can let go." tears almost started falling but they were stopped by her husbands hand whipping them.

"Please," he whispered, "for me and chenle? Please." chenle's father spoke swiftly.

Chenle's mother nodded and a smile made it's way to her face as she learnt forward and kissed her husbands cheek, "i guess we're good now." she smiled at her husband.

Chenle's parents almost forgot about their son and the mysterious boy that they havent identified yet and almost went into their own little world but chenle's dad remembered the two, "now," chenle's dad turned to face the smaller males, "who is this boy?" he asked as he points to jisung.

Chenle looks at jisung and quickly shifts his eyes to his father and mother who were hand in hand, "oh right, this is jisung, he showed up in my room this morning. I tried to find out who he was and where he's from because he can't remember but the police said there's no one in the records under jisung park that looks like him so i kinda just thought he could stay here." chenle said, going shy towards the end.

"Is that right?" chenle's mother asks as she lookings at the blue haired boy.

"Hey chenle do you have some cherries?" jisung asks walking towards the fridge.

Chenle just smiles at the taller boy and whispers a little, "cute." with a giggle before he jumps after the taller to take a look in the fridge.

Chenle's mum admired how happy chenle looked when he spoke about jisung and how chenle's eyes sparkled when he was looking at jisung. Chenle's mother smiled, she hadn't seen her son's eyes sparkle like that in years.

She knew that this jisung boy was going to bring great joy to chenle one day and it made her happy.

so merry christmas to everyone

also just wanna say nct snapped at gayo like y'all see that stage it was so POWERFUL

also just wanna say nct snapped at gayo like y'all see that stage it was so POWERFUL

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