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It was a few days before christmas, the moon was shining brightly and families homes were decorated for the occasion. It was supposed to be a happy day for everyone but unfortunately the young boy in the zhong household could not agree.

The brown haired male was peeping through the kitchen door. All that was heard around him was screams of a man and woman, it filled up the entire house and possibly even the street. The young boy watched as his parents argued right in front of his eyes. The yelling tormented the young boy, he hated it, he hated every single part of it. Seeing his parents scream at each other everyday made him miss it, made him miss the good days.

It was the middle of the year, the young boy was making his way out of the car to collect his bag from the boot. The young boy's mother had already made her way inside, a smile was spread across her face until she opened the door. There on the couch was her husband kissing another women. The smile fell and a face of anger took over.

The mother was furious and barged straight out of the house yelling at her son to get back into the car. The young boy was confused but obeyed her order as fear took over him, he had never heard his mother yell like that, it scared him.

As the young boy closed the door of the car he could hear his father yelling something, it was inaudible but the young boy knows he heard something. The young boys mother took the both of them to a park. Not one of them exited the car they both sat in silence. That was until the young boy heard his mother's sobs.

"Mum," the young boy said softly as he unbuckled himself and stood up to see his mother's face.

"Chenle it's okay," the mother said forcing a smile.

"Mum, what happened?" the young boy labeled as chenle asked.

"It was nothing Chenle, its okay dont worry about it." the mother repeatedly said.

"But you're crying mum." Chenle frowned.

"Sometimes crying is good okay baby." the mother stated as she grabbed the 10 year old cheeks and gave him a kiss on his nose.

"Okay." chenle continued to frown but returned back to his seat. Unknowingly chenle fell asleep as his mother cried her eyes out.

Yelling was heard all around when the young boy had opened his eyes and come back to his senses. Chenle leaped out of his bed to go see what the commotion was about. Chenle made his way down the stairs to see his parents in the living room screaming, pointing fingers and yelling at each other.

The young boy was shocked, he had never seen his parents act like this before, he had always lived in happiness with smiles all around him but this, this was different, extremely different, he didn't like it.

The words were so loud but chenle's tears swelling in his eyes made them faint. The boy ran away from the living room crying so loud that it almost blocked out the sound of his parents screaming.

"Why," chenle spoke out softly, "WHY!" he then screamed. Tears rushed down his face for hours until he couldn't cry no more. Chenle felt weak. He lied in his bed not even thinking about wiping his tears that had fallen. "Please don't leave me." chenle whispered right before he hugged his blue pillow and drifted of to sleep.

It had been a year or so since chenle's mother had seen her husband cheating, they hadn't divorced which was a still a mystery to chenle but they continued to fight. Every day, screaming ran through the house and chenle could do nothing to stop it or rather didn't know what to do to stop it. The small boy stayed terrified of what was happening to his family, everyday he wished that his family could go back, back to being happy.

From chenle's parents always fighting and not showing each other any love chenle started to believe love didn't exist, he thought it was all fake. Since that day he saw his parents fight he had not felt love for another person. Inside, chenle was empty, like his heart had shut down. The fighting had continued for years, making chenle's heart worse.

Chenle's eyes started filling up with tears. Crying was a reoccuring theme for chenle, it happened on most days for the same reason, his parents. All chenle ever wanted was to live happily with his parents, but his mind now thinks that's never going to happen, not now at least with how things are.

A droplet fell from chenle's eye. The young boy ran upstairs trying to make as little of noise as possible. Once chenle made it to his room he shut the door and completely broke down.

Chenle slid down the door, tears filling up his eyes, "why can't we be one happy family again? Why can't they love each other again?" chenle spoke to himself before giving out an evil sounding chuckle, "don't be stupid chenle love doesn't exist." tears still continued to roll down the young male's face as he spoke to himself.

It had been an hour or so of crying and chenle's tears had been dried out. The young boy was weak and tired but there was one thing he said before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep for the night on the floor of his bedroom,

"I wish for a better life this christmas."

yes we do not care about capital letters or spelling in this story, i am extremely sorry but i'm lazy so welp

yes we do not care about capital letters or spelling in this story, i am extremely sorry but i'm lazy so welp

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