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The new morning arised and jisung was spread out across chenle's floor with a soft mattress beneath him. Chenle was just lying in his bed scrolling on his phone looking at anything new online. Once there was nothing more to look at chenle sighed and placed his phone back onto his bedside table and looked down at jisung who was still sleeping.

Chenle admired how small jisung looked when he slept and how cute the younger is. A smile had found its way to chenle's face as he admired the taller. Chenle looked at the time finding it was almost 11am and thought it was a perfect time to wake up jisung.

After both boys were awake and had their breakfast chenle suggested that they watch a movie. "A movie?" jisung asked being unsure what the word indicated.

"You know like a film that is produced for the public to watch?" chenle basically questioned back at jisung. Jisung just nodded. "Is there a genre you wanna watch?" chenle asked the taller as he walked over to the dvd stand.

"What types of genres are there?" jisung sat up and questioned.

"Uh we got, some horror, action or maybe a romantic." chenle said giving a little gag at the end when he said romantic.

"Lets watch a romantic movie." jisung concluded with a smile.

Chenle was speechless but agreed to the suggestion as he picked out one of the romantic films from the shelf.

The movie played loudly as the two boys were seated on the couch. Chenle being uninterested in romance movies started falling asleep through the film. Jisung saw the older male's head falling and watched as chenle fell asleep.

A few minutes after the male had fallen asleep jisung took his chance to grab the olders head and place the male on his lap so he could sleep more comfortably. Jisung soon went back to focusing on the video in the screen.

Mindlessly jisung started stroking chenle's hairs softly. This motion made jisung feel safe and at home for some reason but he liked it, he liked it a lot. As jisung continued to stroke chenle's hairs he still stayed focused on the screen. Soon the kiss scene came on the screen and this made jisung curious.

The younger looked down at the sleeping brown haired boy on his lap and stared intensely before leaning in but he was stopped by a hand and a pair of widely opened eyes.

Chenle looked at jisung's uncomfortably close face and asked, "what are you doing?" like it was his daily habit.

Jisung moves his head from chenle's hand on his lips and explained, "i was curious about what the people in the movie were doing and i wanted to try it." jisung said shyly like he did something wrong.

"Jisung," chenle sighs lifting himself up from being on jisung's lap, "that's what you do to someone you like like, okay?"

Jisung pouted and asked, "how do you know if you like like someone then?"

"Well," chenle started but got stopped by his own mother's voice that had walked in with a plate of cookies.

"Chenle wouldn't know," she started as she placed the plate on the table, "he hasn't loved anyone in years, well not since," she went silent not wanting to remember the past, "but i can explain for you young one." she said as she looked at jisung with a smile.

Jisung focuses his attention onto the older woman and chenle just watches them from the other side of the couch in fear, "you love someone when you feel safe with that person, you're always happy with that person and want that person to be safe and happy all the time. You tend to miss them if you don't see them after a while and you're always wanting to take care of them and give them affection. You'd probably think they're the most beautiful person in the world and is adorable with whatever they do, well that my experiance anyway." chenle's mother explains.

Chenle thinks about what his mother is saying and realises that he himself had felt those things for jisung, it got himself worried that he may not just like jisung but like like the male.

Out of nowhere jisung states, "but i feel like that with chenle why can't i kiss him?"

Everyone in the room became silent and shocked. All eyes were on jisung and a light blush was spread through chenle's cheeks as he gulped loudly.

"J-jisung," chenle stutters, "it's probably because you don't know many people so i'm just the first one you're attached too." chenle said visibly gulping at the end.

Jisung just pouted and returned to his position on the couch continuing to watch the movie. Chenle's mother left the room and Chenle just remained on the complete opposite side of the couch, his heart still beating irregularly from jisung's confession.

when will i learn how to spell😔🤝

when will i learn how to spell😔🤝

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