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The sound of birds chirping and leaves crumbling was the cause of chenle's awaken. The young man was in his bed which he wasn't surprised about even though he had fallen asleep on the floor last night. Chenle was sure his mother had put him into his bed. But what chenle was surprised about was the blue haired male that he saw standing in the middle of his room.

Chenle screamed and the blue haired male covered his ears from how high pitched Chenle was, "Who the hell are you?" Chenle asked extremely concerned as he eyed the stranger in his room.

Jisung smiled at Chenle and simply introduced himself, "hi i'm jisung."

Chenle slowly started moving out of his bed still speaking to the boy, "why are you in my room? Let alone my house?" chenle asked.

Jisung paused, "i," he started, "i have no idea, i can't remember much just my name and how to speak really," jisung tried to think of something he could remember but nothing came to mind.

Chenle was now out of his bed and placed his robe around himself as he walked over to the boy now known as jisung. "Interesting, i still have no idea how you're here." Chenle watched as jisung looked at his clothing intensely, "w-what are you looking at?"

"What's that?" jisung questioned looking at the thing chenle just put on.

"I-it's a robe." chenle stuttered eyeing jisung, "basically a comfortable piece of clothing that you normally wear around your house."

"That's cute," jisung stated as he walked closer to chenle and felt the cloth.

Chenle felt something inside him tingle and quickly asked jisung if he wanted breakfast which the younger male immediately agreed to.

"You're lucky my parents aren't here and i'm nice." chenle explains as he walks like a king downstairs.

"Where are your parents?" jisung asked curiously as they made it downstairs.

"People have jobs susan."

Jisung froze speechless and then motioned his hand to himself showing a confused face while mouthing susan.

Chenle saw what jisung was doing and laughed slightly, "it's just a saying don't take it too deep," jisung just nodded and followed the older male. "Anyways, what do you want to eat young sir?"

Jisung humed for an extended period of time before saying, "i dont know."

Chenle looked at him dumbfounded and just walked off into the kitchen with a disappointed look, "then i'll just make you some cereal." Jisung nodded and took his seat with a smile spread across his face.

After the boys had finished their breakfast chenle knew it was time to take the blue haired boy to the police station to find his parents. The two boys made their way inside the police station and took a seat with an officer.

"What are you two here for today?" the officer that had his computer opened and work spread across his table asked.

"Well this boy here can't remember anything and he showed up at my house this morning so i thought you could help me find his parents or where he's from at least." chenle explained to the officer which nodded through-out chenle's explanation.

"Okay boy what's your name?" the officer proceeded to ask as he placed his hands on his keyboard.

"Park Jisung," jisung softly told the officer.

The male officer they were speaking to started to type in jisung's name into the police system. The officers eyes became confused and the sound of the keyboard became more intense.

"Is there something wrong officer?" chenle asks polietly.

"Uh yeah, there's no jisung park in our system that looks anything like your friend here." the officer concluded.

Chenle became extremely shocked, his squinted and he was confused, "h-how can that be?" chenle asked stuttering.

"I have no idea but he is not in our system." the officer said while he finally looked away from the computer and towards the two boys.

"O-okay, thank you officer." chenle said as he grabbed jisung's hand and dragged him out of the police station.

Chenle started pacing outside of the station questioning to himself how jisung isn't in the system, "are you alright?" jisung asked as he placed a hand on chenle's shoulder.

Chenle froze and looked at the boy with terror in his eyes, "yeah, yeah i'm fine." chenle said as he composed himself but then immediately grabbed jisung's arm again, "we gotta go to the hospital." chenle said as he dragged the boy with him to the closest hospital.

The two made it to the hospital, jisung being dragged the whole way through the busy streets. Once inside the centre Chenle ran to the receptionist.

"Hello do you have a jisung park in your system? He would have been a patient that had been out of the hospital but he may be suffering from memory loss." Chenle asked the lady behind the desk.

The lady started typing to search for a jisung, "we have one patient under jisung park in our systems," the receptionist started, chenle felt relief, "he is a 50 year old man that comes to get check up's every so often for his foot injuries." the receptionist finished.

Chenle's relief didn't last long as he gave a deadly look towards the lady behind the desk, "are you sure there's no jisung park that looks like this boy." chenle started and tried to point to the boy next to him but he was gone, "what the" chenle said as he looked over and saw the blue haired male squating and high fiving a small boy.

"Sir i can assure you that we don't have any other patients under park jisung, none that are your age at least or alive" the receptionist states and goes back to her work.

"Thank you anyway." chenle says before he walks over to the blue haired boy that was now playing with the sculptures in the hospital. "Jisung what are you doing?" chenle says running up to the taller male.

Jisung turns around and sees chenle, a smile spreads across his face, "i was just looking around this place, it's very unique and has many interesting people." jisung says.

Chenle sighs heavily, "i'm tired, lets go to the cafe down the street." chenle says as he pokes jisung's arm.

Jisung smiles at the smaller and grabs his hand, "okay let's go,"

Chenle blushed as he walked out of the hospital hand in hand with Jisung Park.

i miss blue haired jisung ):

i miss blue haired jisung ):

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