Chapter One: That Damn Smile

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Camilla Anderson was sad to see her friend Kat go that summer. Her going away party was bittersweet for both girls, but Kat made sure that she wouldn't leave Camilla feeling alone. At her going away party, she made it her duty to make sure Camilla met Hannah Baker, the new girl in town and coincidentally the girl's house where the party was located. 

Camilla and Hannah could feel a friendship growing between them, their small greeting turning quickly into a full blown conversation.

"Are you dating anyone?" Hannah asks Camilla curiously, figuring with her beauty and popularity, she had to be.

"Actually, I am. His name's Montgomery, Montgomery De La Cruz." Camilla responds proudly, a happy smirk on her face thinking about her new and fresh relationship. "I don't think I've ever seen him." Hannah tilts her head to the side, trying to recall a Montgomery. "He's one of the jocks you'll see roaming around school like they run the place. He's practically Bryce Walker's right hand man." Kat responds, giving Hannah a good picture of what kind of person Camilla was dating. Clay chuckles, saying "I actually think that's the perfect way to describe him."

The group began walking outside onto the porch, wanting fresh air. Camilla rolls her eyes and lets out a little laugh. "Oh c'mon guys, he's not that bad."

As if on cue, the group could see three boys wrestling on Hannah's front lawn, clothes drenched from the sprinkles going off around them. The three boys consisting of Zach Dempsey, Justin Foley, and the one and only Montgomery.

"Not that bad huh?" Clay asks her jokingly, glancing over at her as she laughs. "Shut up, Jensen."

Kat turns her attention to Hannah, motioning to the boys. "Meet the boys. Justin Foley is mine, Montgomery is Cam's, and Zach Dempsey is for you." "Zach Dempsey? Really?" Both Clay and Camilla asks, glancing over at the still wrestling boys. Clay's reaction was immediate confusion, and Camilla's was also, but with a hint of jealousy.

"What? Zach's sweet!" Kat tries to argue. The group glances at the guys again, before the three look back at Kat, her shrugging. "Okay, yeah, he's kind of dumb. But he's the sweet kind of dumb, the best kind." "Don't call my friend's dumb, Kat." Camilla says a little bit annoyed but keeping a smirk on her face, not trying to ruin the mood. She walks towards the stairs, deciding that the guys had enough play time. 

She loudly slow claps, making them stop and look at her with a smile. "Liberty High's star athletes, ladies and gentleman. So impressive." She says sarcastically. Kat walks next to her, putting her cup down and crossing her arms as she continues. "Sorry boys, can't have you in Hannah's house soaking wet."

"Seriously?" Justin asks in disbelief, as if he completely forgot each one of them were drenched.

"Oh my god, look at yourselves." Kat continues, pointing at them as Camilla and Hannah laugh.

Camilla and Montgomery lock eyes, Montgomery then motioning her to come to him. She complies, quickly walking down the stairs and running up to him, him immediately wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her in the air dramatically while giving her a long kiss. Zach glances at them, and tries to hold back rolling his eyes, before looking back at the group on the porch. 

Justin takes off his shirt, a huge grin on his face as he asks "better?"

Hannah tries hard not to stare but can't look away from his body and gorgeous smile, Justin catching her. "Improvement for sure, but still a no-go." Kat responds, still standing her ground as she shrugs. "Cmon, it's not a party without them, Kat." Camilla says, Montgomery's wet hands holding onto her waist and his head placed on her shoulder as he gives a puppy dog face to Kat.

"We'll take our chances. And Cam, you're wet now too thanks to Monty, so go dry off." Kat laughs, noticing Camilla's once dry shirt soaked, thanks to her boyfriend. Camilla laughs, waving her hand in the air, muttering a "yeah yeah. Let's go, boys."

She says bye to everyone on the porch, especially the nice girl she just met. "It was nice meeting you, Hannah. Get my number from Kat, maybe we can hang out some time?" She yells, holding onto her boyfriend's hand as he begins pulling her away. Hannah responds with a smile and a nod, but is too distracted by staring at Justin. He was the last to leave, still grinning as they stared at each other before running away after his friends. Hannah immediately becoming smitten with Justin and becoming almost obsessed with his smile right away.

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