Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back Atkins

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"Are you home?" Jeff's voice says anxiously through the speaker phone, making Camilla look down at her phone confused. "Um, yes. Why? Should I not be?"

"No, no. That's good. Gotta go." Jeff's voice sounded like he was in a hurry, making Camilla now feel anxious as she takes the phone off speaker, placing it to her ear. "Wait, Jeff. Is there something going on at camp? What's wrong?" "I just, I gotta go Cammy. Talk to you later." He replies quickly, before hanging up. 

Camilla huffs, slamming her phone on the table in annoyance, before realizing what she did and quickly picking it back up to make sure it wasn't shattered.

Only about 10 minutes had passed by, before Camilla could hear a soft knocking at the door.

"What is with everyone knocking now? Doesn't anybody have my fucking number anymore?" She groans to herself, standing up off the couch and stomping her feet over to the door. She swings it open, her eyebrows furrowed but as soon as she realizes who it is her expression changes completely.

"Jeffery!" She screams, jumping on him, wrapping her arms and legs around his body as he quickly catches her, almost losing his balance on the staircase leading to her door.

"Glad to see you missed me." He grins, listening to her beginning to sniffle and his shoulder becoming wet with tears, bringing some to his eyes also. He carries her into the house, making sure to shut the door in case someone drove by and saw the encounter.

"I.. when.. how?" Camilla begins, not knowing what question to start with. She lifts her head up, unwrapping her body from him and being set on the ground softly. "I came back about an hour ago. I would've came over sooner but you know mom and dad were happy to see me and made me stay for a little."

"So that's why you asked if I was home." She smacks his chest, a grin on both their faces as they couldn't stop staring at each other. Happiness and excitement ran through them both, the two months he was gone being tortuous without each other.

"Well.. what did I miss?" He asks, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and guiding her to the couch. As soon as they sit down, Camilla moves into his side more, both getting comfortable.

"Well.. Jess and Justin date now." "Shit, really? Since when?" "Kind of since the summer started, they both had summer school so they just, got closer I guess? But they're cute together, and make each other really happy so I'm happy for them." "Good. Anything else?"

Camilla had contemplated telling Jeff about her and Zach's summer romance, since he was her best friend and wanted them to be together. But she also felt that the less people know, the better. She would rather act like it never happened than continue to talk about it and have the never ever ending guilt eat away at her.

"Me and Monty are back together." She says, a small smile on her face. She notices Jeff become silent, making her curiously glance up at him to see how he felt about it. "Surprising.. but not that surprising." "What you mean?" She asks, sitting up and turning to face him fully.

"I mean, you guys did love each other, and he has this hold on you, whether you want to admit it or not, and I honestly don't believe you'll ever be able to get away from him because of it. Hopefully he doesn't ever do anything stupid though, because I don't want you feeling like you're stuck with him. Because you're not."

"Wait. You just said I won't ever get away from him, then said I'm not stuck with him. I'm lost." Camilla chuckles, running a hand through her long, wavy hair. "No no, you won't ever choose to get away from him. At least not for long. You aren't stuck with him, and are able to get away from him, but knowing you, it won't stay that way. You guys have something nobody understands, not even myself. And I don't even think you guys get what's going on, but it won't really ever end. That's for sure."

Camilla sighs, knowing Jeff was right and hoped that Montgomery would always remain the loving, caring guy he always had been to her, because if it ever changed, she didn't know if she would be able to leave him and keep it that way.

"So. What we doing tonight?" Jeff changes the subject, knowing Camilla was putting too much thought into what he said and didn't want to ruin the moment they were having.

"Want to go to the movie theater and see what they're showing tonight?" She asks, standing up. "Let's do it." He agrees, also standing up and grabbing his car keys. "I'll be outside, while you put some pants on." He continues, walking to the door. Camilla stops in her tracks, looking down at her lower body, wondering what her best friend was talking about before realizing she was indeed only wearing her boy shorts underwear. "Shit!" She yells in embarrassment, running up the stairs to put pants on while Jeff watches, laughing and shaking his head.

"2001: A space odyssey? Really? You really want to see this?" Jeff asks her, trying to convince her not to see the boring movie but Camilla insisted. She was tired of going to Rosie's so instead wanted to do something different, which was go to the movies, no matter what movie was showing. "Can you stop complaining, Atkins. Just enjoy spending time with me, and be happy." She rolls her eyes, looping her arm through his to make sure he doesn't try to stop.

As they walk into the theater, watching people walking out from the showtime that just ended, something had caught her eye. Hannah and Zach were talking, and laughing and.. flirting?

Jealousy had begin to course through her, and she didn't even understand why, just that she had to see what they were talking about. She tugs Jeff along, and Jeff doesn't think anything of it, assuming they were just going to get popcorn and slushies like they usually did.

"Would you.. ever wanna watch a different movie? Like.." Zach begins, stuttering and anxious. "Like with you?" Hannah asks. "Yes. Yeah, I meant with me, as part of the.. the plan. Except not at my house. My mom doesn't let me have girls over.. except for Cam, she really really likes her for some reason." He rambles, realizing he accidentally mentioned Camilla's name when he was trying to forget and get over her, but Hannah ignores it, more stunned that thee Zach Dempsey wanted to hang out.

"So, you're inviting me to watch a movie at my house?" She asks confused, receiving a nervous smile from Zach.

"What's up guys?" Camilla interrupts, glancing back and forth between them but her eyes lingering on the nervous Zach. "Oh hey Cam. I haven't seen you in a while." Hannah smiles at her, oblivious to the tension going on between Zach and Camilla. 

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've just been pretty busy, doing a lot this summer." She replies, her eyes not leaving Zach's, before finally looking at Hannah and continuing. "You going to Jess's back to school party next month?"

"Um, I don't know. Parties aren't really my thing." Hannah shrugs. "Oh come on, Han. It's a back to school party, and I am inviting you. So you have to go." Camilla crosses her arms, tilting her head to the side.

Hannah sighs, agreeing. "Okay, fine. I'll go, but we have to hang out soon. It's been a while."

"I agree. Oh and can we get a large popcorn, extra butter, and two large red slushies?" Before Camilla can pull out her money, Jeff beats her to it, slamming his money down on the counter in an extra attempt to be first.

"Woah, calm down there big boy. I think baseball camp made you too strong." Camilla laughs, shaking her head at him.

"Good to see you're back bro." Zach says starting a conversation with him, trying to avoid looking at Camilla. 

Hannah comes back with their stuff moments later, and Jeff grabs the drinks, as Camilla holds the large bag to her chest, grabbing some using her mouth.  "Thank you." Jeff says. "Enjoy the movie." Hannah yells after them as they begin walking away. "Thanks, Han. See you soon. Bye Zach." "Yeah, bye." Zach awkwardly replies, not really knowing how to talk nor act around her anymore, which this time didn't go unnoticed by Hannah.

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