Chapter Eighteen: Dealing With A Death

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Zach and Camilla's 'relationship' had been going on for almost a month. To both of their delight, everything was going perfectly. The sex was great and their friendship was even stronger. The movie turned sleepover nights became an almost daily if not weekly thing, and no one had found out about them, going exactly how they wanted it to. But just like every good thing, it must come to an end, or in this case, put on pause. 

Zach's dad had passed away, and despite Camilla's constant attempts to reach out to Zach before and after the funeral, and see how he was doing and handling it, she barely heard back from him for almost two weeks.

As soon as Camilla had finally gotten a response from him to come meet him, she was up and ready.

Camilla quickly ran in and then out of the store. A bottle of vodka in the small brown paper bag she had just purchased held tightly in her hand, knowing Zach would want to take the edge off of the grief he's been feeling lately. After placing the bottle on the floor of her backseat, a voice catches her off guard, making her slightly jump as she turns around to see where it was coming from.

In the alley next the store, it held a familiar black jeep, and the flannel of the person walking towards her caused her to do an over dramatic eye roll, trying to hold back the smile making its way onto her face.

"Yes, Monty?" She asks, her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed against her chest.

His infamous smirk was set on his face, as he eyes her body, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Where you going dressed like that?" 

"Well since I am now single, I dress extra slutty so I can find your replacement." She jokes, making Montgomery let out a scoff in surprise, eyebrows raised as a strained smile finds its way onto his face, trying hard not to let his jealousy and anger show.

"You'll never be able to replace me, princess. You know that." He begins to approach her, making her slightly take a step back, intimidated by his intense stare. She closes the back car door, sighing as she faces back to him. "Well as much as I'd love to stand here and talk to my ex boyfriend, I have places to be and people to see."

Before she can begin walking to the other side of her car, Montgomery grabs onto her small hand, making her come to a halt. She looks back at him, eyebrows raised at his boldness as she looks down at their hands. "What you doing Friday?"

"Mm let me think about it.. I got a breakfast date around 11.. and then a dinner date around 7... and then a movie date around-" Montgomery lets out a loud huff, making Camilla smirk knowing how annoyed she was making him. "I have no plans Friday, Monty. Why?"

"I was just thinking.. that we could go get food and.. talk."

"Talk? About?" 


Camilla could tell Montgomery was trying. She could tell he was trying to take a more mature route and show her he wanted her in a better and healthier way, and he wanted the relationship and love that they had again. 

"I don't know..." "Please? All I need is a couple minutes, and if you're still sure on your decision then that's fine with me and we never have to talk about it again."

Camilla glances down at their hands again, their fingers now suddenly interlocked. She looks up at the face she had grown used to seeing everyday for months, and the features she had fallen for not too long ago. She lets out a soft sigh, nodding her head slightly. 

"Sure, Monty. We can talk Friday. But I have to go." She gently pulls her hand out of his, giving him a slight smile and getting into her car. As she drove away, she tried her best to ignore the flutters and butterflies that she had still felt when it came to her ex boyfriend.

After parking her car, she stretches her small body out, reaching into the backseat and grabbing the alcohol bottle, stuffing it into her purse and scurrying out of her car, rushing towards the front door of Rosie's.

She takes a second to catch her breath as she looks around the restaurant, noticing a familiar gray t-shirt and built arms, that belonged to the person she was looking for at one of the back tables. 

She pushes her hair back, making sure her half up half down do was still in tact, and walks on over to table, sitting down across from the person and receiving a huff once her presence was known. 

"You're late." Zach mumbles, still staring down at his lap. 

"I know, I had to make a stop before I came and there wasn't much parking out there." She reaches into her bag, pulling out the medium sized bottle and handing it over to him. "Here, I thought you'd might like to have this."

Zach finally picks his head up to look at the object, Camilla immediately noticing the dark circles under his eyes. He makes eye contact with her, giving her a small smile knowing she was just trying to be helpful and nice. He puts both arms on the table, using one to reach over and takes the bottle from her, muttering a thank you as he places it besides him on the seat.

Camilla uses the opportunity of Zach's other hand being out to take it into hers, holding on and not letting go, making slight flutters begin to go through him, and he tries to hold back the smile and blush that began to creep onto his face.

"How have you been, Zach? Really?"

Zach takes a deep sigh, looking down at his lap. Camilla gives his large hand a squeeze, not trying to allow him to become emotionally distant again, and he looks back up at her. 

"Honestly? Terrible." Camilla nods understandingly, a sad expression on her face, knowing how close Zach and his dad used to be. "It's just weird, not having him in the house anymore, and-and now I have to be the man of the house and be there for May and my mom. I don't know.. I just didn't expect him to go so soon and things to change so fast." Zach's voice waivers and sounds of trembling makes the words sound off. Camilla quickly gets up and sits on Zach's side, wrapping her arm around his body as far as she could, rubbing onto his arm. 

"It'll be okay, Zach. I know it hurts right now, but it'll get better and you can handle it. I believe in you. And I'm always here for you, I don't ever want you to forget that, okay?"

Zach nods, not wanting to look in her direction as he wipes the stray tears that had fallen.

"Now.. let's order some food and try and take your mind off things."

"Actually.." Zach begins, looking over at her, focusing on her plump pink lips and then eyeing her body. "I had something else in mind when it came to eating.."

Camilla furrows her eyebrows in confusion, then notices the look Zach was giving her. She quickly stands up, a smirk on her face as she walks to the other side of the table to grab her bag, purposely bending over to give Zach a full view of her behind, before standing back up.

"Then what are we waiting for? Meet me back at my place." 

She turns, swaying her hips as she walks out the door, knowing Zach was still staring. A large smile replaced the smirk on both their faces, knowing that Camilla was about to make Zach feel much, much better.

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