Chapter Thirty: Storm's Coming

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Camilla was ready to report Sheri herself, and get the revenge and justice that Jeff had deserved. He had a bright future and his life was taken way too soon, thanks to an accident that Sheri was too afraid to report and possibly get in trouble for.

The only thing stopping her was Justin. He had begged and pleaded and promised her that reporting Sheri would only make things better, and that the worst was actually yet to come.

She didn't understand what he had meant, but since Justin was indeed her best friend and someone she trusted a lot, she didn't argue against it.

She noticed that over the course of two days, Justin and the rest of her friends had grown quite defensive and watchful towards everyone that was not in their friend group. It seemed like any outsiders were immediately pushed aside, or given a dirty look. Camilla had noticed one of these people specifically being Clay. He couldn't even look their way or walk down the hall near them without being stared at by the guys, also noticeably whispering about him.

Clay was always quiet and minded his business, already being somewhat of an outcast, so why were the guys seemingly targeting him at random?

Camilla walked through the empty halls with her tired looking best friend. She knew they needed to get to homeroom, but Justin seemed to be taking his time.

They had happened to see Clay among them in the empty halls, staring at Hannah's decorated locker, something done by some students at Liberty High that wanted to act like they had cared about her, when in reality it was the opposite.

Camilla thought they were going to keep walking past them, and continue to head to homeroom, but Justin stops right next to him, staring at him with a not so happy look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" He angrily asks Clay, startling him and making him finally look over at the pair.

"Nothing. I'm just-" He begins to motion towards the locker, but gets cut off by Justin.

"Looking for something?" "What would I be looking for?" Clay asks at the same time Camilla asks.

"You tell me." Justin responds only to Clay, taking an intimidating step closer.

Clay glances over at Camilla, a confused expression on his face before he looks back at Justin. "Do you even know my name?"

"Course I do, Clay." Justin scoffs.

"Guys. Second bell." Mr. Porter yells from down the hall, noticing the three still standing in front of the locker with no one else in the halls left.

"You're not that innocent, Jensen. I don't give a shit what she says." Justin points at Clay, making Camilla put her hand on his shoulder, slightly pulling him away from Clay to walk in the opposite direction toward their homeroom.

"What? Stop, Justin. Let's just go." 

Justin stares at Clay for a few seconds longer, the tension once again being cut off by the guidance counselor.

"Mr. Foley, Miss Anderson, let's go. Get to homeroom." "We're going!" She groans at him, Justin finally beginning to walk away and Camilla following. Clay watches, wondering what had just happened.

"Jeez Justin, what the hell was that?"

"Cam, stop asking so many questions already, fuck, you're such a curious person. You'll find out soon. Then it'll be all of our problem.." Is all he responds, silencing filling between them as they continue to class.

"It was just so weird on how he just snapped on me like that. And the shit he was saying to Clay? I don't know, it just seems like there's something I'm missing..." Camilla sighs, her naked body entangled with her boyfriends as he plays with her hair and stares at the ceiling above.

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