Chapter Fourteen: High

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"Are you out of your mind? No." Clay immediately responds, after learning what they were really going to do at Jeff's get together.

Jeff hits a pool ball, missing the hole he was aiming for and sighing, handing the pool stick to Camilla for her turn, and walking to the other side of the table, leaning against it as he talked to Clay.

"Dude, listen. You know my body's a temple, right?"

"I don't ever think about your body." Clay responds, causing Camilla to let out a chuckle.

"We all do, Jensen." She jokes, Jeff glancing back at her trying to keep in his own laughter and a smirk plays on his face. "What I mean is you know how healthy I am. Same with Camilla."

"You're an athlete. Well I don't know what Camilla's considered, but I know that you definitely are."

Camilla reaches the long pool stick across the table, whacking Clay on the arm, making Clay yell in pain. "Cheering is a sport too asshole."

"Yeah, we're both athletes, and damn good ones. But on the rare occasion when we want to have a deep, relaxing night, we'll do a little love drug." Camilla groans at Jeff's statement, walking around the pool table and placing the stick on the table as she leans her head onto Jeff's shoulder. "Don't call it that Jeffy, it sounds wrong." Jeff laughs, as Clay goes on with his denial to the drug.

"I've read that that shit can fry your brain, like, first time you try it."

"Yeah, and riding your bike without a helmet can kill you." Camilla says with sarcasm.

Clay stays silent, and Jeff continues his attempt to have Clay try something new. "But which one's gonna help you let loose and help you get past your shit with Hannah and into each other? Hmm?"

"This is peer pressure." Clay sighs.

"No, no. I don't wanna pressure you. You put too much pressure on yourself. I mean.. that's the whole point. You agonize over every decision."

"I do not." Clay says, but knowing what Jeff was saying was true.

"Just trust us, and go with it." Camilla says, sending a reassuring smile Clay's way, making him feel just slightly less anxious.

Camilla, Alex, Sheri and Jeff walk down the stairs into Jeff's basement, seeing Hannah and Clay sitting on the couch alone and making conversation.

As soon as Clay sees his friends, he immediately tries to back out again.

"Guys, what if we just ate a bunch of sugar and caffeine? That's a certain kind of high, right?"

Camilla shakes her head at him as she sits on the floor, Jeff hiding a chuckle as he also sits on the floor and leans back on Camilla's lap.

"Seriously, do not worry." Alex says, passing everyone water bottles.

Jeff takes the drugs out his pocket, passing one to each person. "All right. Here you go. Three first timers, three veterans. We got you guys." Camilla and Jeff look at each other and give each other a smirk as they put the pill into their mouths, drinking from their water bottles and swallowing it, everyone else doing the same.

"This is so peer pressure. Like, at its worst." Clay says, finally sighing and giving in before putting the pill in his mouth.

Clay does it with caution, being the last to do it and drinking an over excessive amount of water after, earning a snicker from Camilla.

Everyone laughs as they talk about Camilla's asshole friends, by now already feeling the effects of the drugs and anything and everything being hilarious.

"I just think it's complicated." Alex says.

"See, the thing is to be in the group, but not about the group, you know what I mean?" Jeff says, everyone looking over at him and Camilla cuddled up, he still leaning on her lap and her arms on his shoulders, hands placed in front of his neck as she rubs her thumb on his chin.

"No, what do you mean?" Sheri asks, laughing in confusion.

"All right. Take Camilla. You're dating Montgomery de la Cruz." Jeff can barely get his words out because of his laughter, Camilla also laughing but humming in agreement.

"Which is, like, whatever." Hannah laughs along, everyone not being able to contain their's either.

"And he says he cares about you. He doesn't say that about most people." Jeff begins waving his finger around crazily, laughter still coming out as he spoke. "He doesn't. It's 'cause he's a dick."

Everyone begins to laugh way harder than before, even Camilla laughing along and not even registering what Jeff had said because of the high taking over.

"I just feel, like, tremendous positivity for everyone right now." Hannah grins, looking around at everyone. "And I just feel, like, super hungry right now." Camilla says, laughing extremely hard. "So do I, let's find food." Jeff agrees, standing up and holding a hand out to Camilla. She takes it, but is laughing too hard to stand up straight, everyone laughing at her.

Jeff reaches down and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder making Camilla scream in laughter. "I think it's time that a few of us actually slip off for a while." Jeff says, waving a bye to everyone and turning his body so Camilla could wave too. "I like that idea, more food for us. Enjoy your night." She grins, wrapping her arms around Jeff's lower back while upside down.

"It's already a great night." Hannah says, smiling at the group. Sheri laughs, leaning forward and pointing at Hannah. "I agree."

They laugh as they look back up at the stairs and watch Jeff effortlessly walking up the basement stairs, an arm casually around Camilla's thighs to hold her in place, with Camilla holding on to him for dear life, little chuckles and whispering going back and forth between them before they disappear.

"God, they just need to fuck already." Alex smirks, Sheri snickering "I'm pretty sure they already have."

"No way, really?" Hannah asks, a smile still on her face but her mouth agape in shock, and Clay's eyes wide.

"Don't worry, it was before Monty was even in the picture. They went on a couple dates, fucked, and realized they were better off as friends. Theee enddd." Sheri says in a low voice, checking back up the stairs to make sure they weren't still there.

"What is this world?" Hannah laughs, still staring at Sheri with wide eyes. "It's like.. It's like everything is what it is, but, like, more." The group agree with laughter and head nods, this night being the best Hannah has had in a while.

"Who ordered the cinnamon rolls?" Alex asks in disgust, placing the plate in the middle of the table in Monet's. "If I put that in my mouth, I will literally puke."

"Are we, like, all in bad moods?" Hannah asks, her face serious. "I am. I just don't have energy to care." Camilla says, her eyes closed while her head is placed on Jeff's shoulder, his arm wrapped around her, rubbing her arm.

"No, we're just coming down. It's normal." Jeff responds.

"What's the point, right?" Hannah asks, Alex agreeing with her. "Exactly."

"No, but, like, really, what's the point of anything?" Hannah continues, Jeff cutting her off. "That's just the Molly talking." "Her name's Hannah." Alex says sarcastically, glancing over at Jeff, Jeff sighing. "You've gotta handle the lows if you wanna chase the highs."

"Yeah, so stop being so down, Hannah, you're making me depressed." Camilla says, putting a hand on her pounding forehead. "Cmon, drink some water. Don't let your mind go to that dark place." Jeff suggests, picking up his glass of water and handing it to Camilla to drink.

"Do you ever think, 'I can't do it anymore'? Like, 'I wanna die'?" Hannah asks, causing Camilla to groan at Hannah still being negative.

"Yep. Every single minute." Alex responds. "Like everything's black?" Hannah continues, glancing over at Clay to see him staring at her worriedly.

"Guys, get through this. Okay? Get through this moment. And it'll all be clear." Jeff reassures them, Hannah and Clay still staying quiet as they stared at each other.

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