Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unexpected

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Camilla flies off the couch towards Sheri, grabbing onto her hair and landing a solid punch to her eye. Before Camilla could get a second hit in, Justin jumps up and grabs onto her torso, picking her up and pulling her away from Sheri.

"Camilla, calm down!" "Calm down?! You want me to calm down, Justin?! She's the reason Jeff is dead!" 

"It was an accident!" Sheri yells at her, holding her hand over her eye. "Oh I'll show you a fucking accident." Camilla tries to pry Justin's arms off of her, trying to run into the kitchen and grab any weapon she could find.

"Cam, no!" They both scream at her, noticing her attempts to go into the kitchen to find something to hurt Sheri with. When that failed she began throwing random small statues and figurines at her, anything she could find. Sheri was ducking dodging, and Justin managed to stop her after the fourth one thrown, when the door opens.

Montgomery walks in, looking around at the crazy and confusing scene in front of him. Sheri was hiding into the pillows on the couch and Justin was holding tight onto Camilla's arms, pulling them behind her so she could stop throwing things. Not to mention all the things knocked over and on the floor around them.

"What the fuck happened in here?" He asks, looking around the room.

Camilla tries to pull her arms away, but Justin refused to let go, knowing that if he did she would run straight for Sheri again. 

"You want to tell him or should I?" Justin asks Sheri, her finally poking her head up and looking at the group, the area surrounding her eye becoming swollen and bruised. 

"I made a mistake." She tells Montgomery, not wanting to go over the story again, the guilt being too much to handle.

Justin had mistakenly loosened his grip on Camilla a little, thinking she was finally calming down by her not resisting anymore and his hands beginning to hurt by how hard he was holding onto her while she's been trying to get away and fighting back, and Camilla was finally able to get out of his grip, running straight towards Sheri. Sheri backs up quickly, yelling to her "Cammy, I'm sorry!"

Before Camilla can reach Sheri again, this time it was Montgomery that grabbed onto her, dropping his athletic bag on the floor quickly and lifting her off the ground and slightly pulling her away from the scared girl.

"You're sorry?! You really think 'sorry' is going to do anything? You killed my best friend! He's dead because of you, Sheri!"

"Wait, what?" Montgomery asks, now staring at Sheri confused, but Justin lets him in on what happened. "She knocked over a stop sign, and it was the reason Jeff crashed. Not drunk driving."

"You're gonna rot in hell for what you did." Camilla tells her, staring at her with the angriest expression anyone has ever seen on her face.

"Cam, it was a mistake. Please, I can't get in trouble for this. I have a future planned out."

"Well Jeff had a future too, before you took that from him."

"I think you should go." Montgomery sighs, carrying his girlfriend towards the stairs leading upstairs.

Sheri nods, grabbing her things and walking towards the door, Justin following behind. She turns and looks at Camilla one last time. "I really am sorry, Cam. It was an accident."

"Go fuck yourself." She responds, the anger still clear in her voice as Montgomery carries her up the stairs, her small body now hanging over his shoulder.

*Side note: This chapter wasn't cut off, I just happened to make it shorter, but the next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. If you haven't already, check out my other story that comes after this one Tape 9, and thank you to everyone that has been reading, and supporting. You guys are all the best.

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