Chapter Three: FML

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"Looks like Hannah finally made some friends." Zach mutters, nudging Camilla to look in the direction he was looking in. "Oh shit. Look at his hair." Montgomery says, pointing at the platinum blonde guy approaching Hannah and the girl that stood next to her. "She's hot." Camilla says, staring at the gorgeous girl they laughed with. "100% agree." Justin says, his jaw practically on the floor as he also stared at the girl.

"I'm gonna go say hi." Camilla pushes herself off the lockers, giving a kiss to Montgomery and waving a bye to the boys as they watch her walk away.

"Your girlfriend has a nice ass." Bryce says with a smirk, checking Camilla out.

"Shut up." Both Zach and Montgomery say, causing Bryce to glance at Zach with his eyebrow lifted. Montgomery also looks at him, his eyes squinted as he wonders why Zach was so quick to defend a girl that wasn't even his, something he's never done before.

"Hey Han." Camilla says, catching the group before they walk away. "Oh, hey Cammy. Didn't know you were in school today." Hannah gives her a huge smile, Camilla returning a small one back. "Yeah, it's kinda hard not to come when I have to coach the team everyday after school with Sheri."

"Team?" The blonde boy asks curiously, staring at Camilla and immediately in awe at her almost perfect features.

"Cheer." She responds, giving him a smile while noticing what he was doing.

"Hi, my name's Jessica. Jessica Davis. But you can call me Jess." The gorgeous girl introduces herself, putting her hand out to shake Camilla's. "Hi Jess, I'm Camilla Anderson. But you can call me Cammy." Camilla winks at her, causing Jessica to laugh a little. She turns to the guy, tilting her head to the side a little. "And you are?"

"Alex Standall. Nice to meet you." He says, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Stand Tall? What a strange last name." Camilla says jokingly, causing Alex to laugh and blush a little. "Yeah, I know right." He throws his hands up in the air, jokingly rolling his eyes.

"So where you guys headed?"

"We're actually going to Monet's. It's like our little hangout spot." Hannah tells her, adjusting her bag strap. Camilla nods her head. "That's a nice spot, they have great hot chocolate."

"I know right!" Jessica practically yells, both girls laughing. Hannah looks on, turning a little sad, watching the already slow growing friendship between the girls. "Do you wanna come join us?" Alex asks.

"Hey babe, we're leaving!" Montgomery calls from his spot a few feet behind them. The group turn and look at the group of guys watching them, Justin and Hannah locking eyes making her shift uncomfortably. "I'll be right there!" Camilla calls back, before turning and facing back to the group.

"Sorry guys, I've got plans. But wait, here, let me give you my number." She holds her hand out, Jessica giving her her phone and Camilla quickly types her number in. Hannah watches in almost disbelief. Camilla didn't even bother to make an effort to put her number in Hannah's phone like she was doing with Jessica.

"Call or text me anytime. We should definitely hang out." The girls give each other huge smiles, before Camilla says bye to Alex and Hannah and walks away.

"Wow, what a cool chick." Jessica says.

"Yeah, and she's hot too." Alex adds in, Jessica nodding her head in agreement.

"Let's go, guys." Hannah mutters, already starting to walk out the door as Alex and Jessica glance at each other in confusion, but brush it off.

"What the hell is that?" Jessica asks with a straight face, staring at the mysterious drink with a whipped topping that sat in front of Alex. "I'm working my way through the menu. I'm committed to this." He says, pointing at the cup and shrugging.

"God you're weird." "No, I'm a searcher." "The fact that you just called yourself a 'searcher' is weird."

Hannah remains quiet as the two bicker over Alex's drinking choices. The only one taking notice first being Alex, as he glances over at Hannah expecting her to defend his journey through the menu.

"Something's up with you today." He says, looking down a little, almost afraid to say anything. "Yeah, Han. Ever since we left school you've been acting weird."

"I don't know, it's just.. ever since that stuff with Justin, every time I see him it just.. bothers me? I don't know, it just leaves me speechless that someone could do that to someone else, you know? He was just so nice at first, and just, changed."

Alex and Jessica glance at each other as Hannah stares at her drink, a sad look on her face. Although they didn't want to say anything, both had a feeling that there was more on Hannah's mind. Possibly a Camilla Anderson, to be specific. But neither brought it up. Both seeing how sad and down Hannah already seemed and felt bringing it up wouldn't do much good.

Jessica places her hand in the middle of the table. "FML forever." She says, Hannah giving her a small smile as she looks up, then placing her hand in the middle also, on top of Jessica's, repeating the same line. Alex then doing the same right after.

FML forever has become the group's line. They'd complain about life, how sucky school is, and all their other trouble's, before placing their hands in the middle of their table, repeating the same line, and feeling better after their therapy session.

This had gone on for a little while longer, but soon their friendship, like everything else, dissipated.

"So are we just not gonna speak on the fact that they all just suddenly stopped being friends, Alex starts hanging with us and our friends, and Alex and Jess are now suddenly a couple?" Camilla says, watching as Alex and Jessica sit at a table alone in the cafeteria, holding hands and talking as they laughed like a happy couple. Hannah walks by them, her expression dropping as she also realizes the new couple.

"Why are you so concerned about Hannah?" Montgomery asks, putting down his slice of pizza and moving closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm not, I'm just saying isn't it weird how fast their friendship ended and everything changed, and now Hannah's basically alone." She shrugs, watching Hannah leave the cafeteria with sad eyes.

"You know how many guys at this school want to fuck her? Trust me. She won't be alone for long." Bryce smirks, wriggling his eyebrows at Camilla as the guys laugh and Camilla rolls her eyes.

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